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Posts posted by W2DR

  1. 5 hours ago, EasternT3 said:

    If Ed or Anna (or anyone at Orbx is reading this) a potential idea…if you want to continue using tickets for more personalised support, how about you reopen the support forums but make clear, for official support to go through the website, and that if you request support on the forum, it’ll be user to user support,

    Well said Joe. Exactly what's needed.

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  2. I use the support forums when I feel I have something to contribute. If I can't help I don't post. But don't just look at me. Look at all the other knowledge and experience that is lost. I've been simming since FS2 and if it weren't for the support of my fellow simmers I would have  given up long ago. Relying on the developer to solve all your problems just won't work. IMNSHO..........Doug

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  3. 1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

    Although they can no longer be written to, the Support Forums remain a priceless source of information 

    which can be searched, which will usually result in finding that a solution has been found for problems with Orbx

    products in all versions of FSX, P3D and X plane 11.

    But they will soon become outdated Nick. I understand the "reasoning" behind the change but I still think it's a really bad decision. Just a thought from someone who's been here from the beginning. I think this a great disservice to the many thousands of simmers who may benefit from those of us who have been around for a while. But time moves on. And so do I.........Doug

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  4. 1 hour ago, EasternT3 said:

    To preview upcoming products and to just have discussions all things flight sim

    So why are they called "support" forums? There are other places to preview products and talk about all things flight sim. I agree with Brad. I've been around here longer than most and if this is what the support forums have become I'll seldom come back. IMNSHO it's a really bad move.......Doug


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  5. If you don't have any problems with the drivers you have now I wouldn't change them. In all my years of simming I have NEVER seen a driver update that gave any significant  increase in FPS for any flightsim program. All mileage is, of course, variable. But my rule of thumb has always been... if it ain't broke, don't fix it. - Doug

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