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George Peppard

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Everything posted by George Peppard

  1. I'd encourage you to get in touch with the Volanta support team who would be able to help troubleshoot this.
  2. I think this was caused by a processing error a few weeks ago which should now be fixed. If this is still the case please get in touch with support and they can escalate it to our team, who can put a stop to it. https://orbx.to/volanta-support
  3. Happy new year! You can probably use a manual import for this - if you can extricate the data from DCS in a format where you can crunch it into the required format for Volanta (i.e. a CSV, then you can use your spreadsheet editor of choice to reorganise the columns etc.). The Volanta import page will give you more information about the manual import process when you click into it. If you run into any issues then drop the support team a ticket at https://orbx.to/volanta-support and they should be able to help you out. George
  4. This is a known problem with the 3D map - for now, you can disable the 3D mode in the map settings to fix this. We've fixed this bug now so it should make its way into the next release. George
  5. This is a bit more complex unfortunately than we'd like. MSFS encrypts scenery purchased from the marketplace (which includes the enhanced sceneries), so the standard approach we use to scan the .bgl files for airport info to display them on the map does not work. We want to take a look at this but as of yet we are not sure when/how we'll accomplish this so all I can say is watch this space! G
  6. Dear Guenter, Thank you for your feedback! Do you mean the Volanta scenery map (i.e. the one that shows the star symbol for the sceneries you have installed)? George (I am sorry for the delay, our team has been incredibly busy recently!)
  7. Yes, it will! We are currently planning our v6 support but it is something we are committed to. Watch this space!
  8. I tried it on my version and it shows the latest 8.29 release. You may need to clear the cache. If you are on Windows, go to `%AppData%/Orbx/Volanta` and clear the `Cache` folder completely, then restart Volanta.
  9. Hi there - please contact customer support at https://orbx.to/volanta-support; no account support can be provided here. Thanks!
  10. My team is currently working on a version of Orbx Central that will recognise P3D v6 - not sure yet when exactly it will be released but watch this space - we haven't forgotten! 😁 I can't speak for the rest of the plans to port sceneries across (that's way above my pay grade!) but this is a great stepping stone towards that.
  11. Hey! There are several types of icons, I will outline the common ones below: is a regular airport (there's a similar version with a H for heliports). The yellow equivalent of that icon that you see whilst in flight is a product recommendation from OrbxDirect (you may need to enable recommendations in the map settings panel on the right): These are products that are not in your library but are nearby as you are flying around, and available for your current simulator. We also take into account any discounts your account might be eligible for. We also, from time to time, run special discounts for Premium members, and these are indicated with a special badge on the product. Clicking the icon will open the airport card, and then at the top you can browse the products available there and click any of them to navigate to OrbxDirect. Does this answer your question? I'm glad you are enjoying Volanta!
  12. Glad you're liking Volanta! I have captured your suggestion in our backlog for the next time we plan upcoming development. All the best, George (Jira VOL-241 if any of my colleagues are reading)
  13. Glad to hear it - hope you are well also
  14. Hi Trevor, We are somewhat limited by Navigraph as to the cycle we can use to parse routes (etc.) as obviously they want to encourage customers to sign up for a Navigraph subscription. Navigraph have recently (very generously) allowed us to update the default cycle from one in 2018 to cycle 2201 - I am not sure if this is in the public version yet but if not, it will be very soon. You can obtain more up-to-date data by linking your Navigraph account in Settings; have you done this? If you can provide an example of what indicated the out of date data (e.g. a route), then that'd help us pinpoint the exact problem too. All the best, George
  15. Thanks - I've made some notes on the ticket and our support team leader will be in touch soon with some more information/requests.
  16. Well that's no good! Do you have the ticket number? It'll start with OS- then have four numbers.
  17. We should have fixed this, but if it's still causing issues drop a line to support at https://orbx.to/volanta-support and the team there will help you out!
  18. Hey! We have a bit of work ongoing right now to improve this. Keep an eye on changelogs for when it's released!
  19. Hello Jack, Unfortunately we had a small outage over the weekend! We're not usually weekend-workers, so it took a little while for stuff to get back to normal. Should all be sorted now; apologies for the bother. George
  20. Hey! I can see you have contacted our support team, so we will get back to you there.
  21. Thanks for flagging this. We've spotted an issue with screenshot icons on the map in the latest release and will try and have a fix out in the next one. George
  22. Both these problems should now be resolved. We're sorry for the inconvenience!
  23. We've fixed this issue, so it should be resolved in the next Volanta release. Keep an eye out on the changelogs in-app.
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