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Posts posted by Maelmoor

  1. I've not explored Kiruna but the other are awesome! Lot of attention to details, such as the cars ESKS, those outside are covered in snow, those in the garage are not! 


    Both airports looked great with snow, love those snow piles! Umeå looks just as I remember it from RL! I thought the runway looked amazing in snowy conditions!


    Runways, taxiways, modelling, texturing, interiors etc are all really good quality, no performance issues at all either.


    Will be of plenty of flights to and from these airports, once again, thanks Marcus for a great job!


    A few things I noticed:

    - ESKS - The snow pile as you taxi to the runway (right side) is floating a bit.

    - ESNU - ATC doesn't give the option to assign a gate, only the GA parking.

    - ESNU - Looks like snow inside the tower (live weather)



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  2. Looks fantastic, as always with your work @Marcus Nyberg! Definitely looking forward to get these!


    Just one question, based on the descriptions, it doesn't mention anything about interiors for Umeå, but it does so for the other two airports. Given the screenshots, it looks like Umeå got some interiors too, but could maybe be good to clarify it in the text, if that's the case? Thanks!

  3. Bought it today and took a good amount of time to explore it!

    First of all, congratulations @Marcus Nyberg and team, I've followed the journey on Facebook (thanks for those updates, was great fun to follow it there!) and I'm really happy how Arlanda turned out, it's a fantastic airport and definitely worth upgrading to in my mind!

    It really feels like Arlanda, with all the attention to details to clutter, vehicles, terminals etc, I can see it's been a labour of love!

    As always I will list some of my personal positives and negatives, though I list a few negatives, they are very small compared to the positives!

    The Positives:

     +Accurate to the real-world airport as far as I can tell
    + Great variety of really high-quality airport vehicles that are accurate to the ones used at Arlanda (including moving ones) and with lot of detail
    + Fantastic night lightning
    + Runways, taxiways, taxiway signs etc looking realistic with nice textures
    + Modelling of the terminals is top-notch
    + Lot of nice clutter that is local to Arlanda
    + Good looking jetways supporting VDGS (not tried them out yet)
    + Texturing in general is really good
    + Lot of interiors included, all main terminals towards the airside are included with good attention to detail (local shops and restaurants etc
    + Probably the best airport I’ve seen in snowy conditions, with even snow banks along the sides and great looking plows etc. Taxiways and runways free of snow.
    + Cargo areas included with great detail

    The Negatives:

    - Some might find it a bit expensive, but given the effort I can see why it’s priced as it is
    - Tower was a disappointment, there are some interior modelling (all-though not looking finished) but with the opaque windows you cannot see it, maybe they will update this in an upcoming patch, not sure
    - Land side is lacking (as in front of the terminal etc), obviously not a priority but good to know in case you think it’s important
    - I would’ve preferred some parallax windows instead of opaque windows on the airside, but more a personal preference and since most have interior design it’s not a big issue
    - Some lower res textures in places, probably to optimize performance, but not in crucial places (more roofs etc)

    Given performance, time etc, I think the balance is really good, so I definitely think the priorities worked out well in that regard.

    Looking forward to explore more and will fly in and out of Arlanda a lot!

    Once again, thanks for the best rendition of Arlanda ever in a flight sim!

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  4. On 1/18/2023 at 11:23 PM, Ken Hall said:

    you may change your mind when you see it up close, full PBR textures with natural and realistic wethering, I focus on what the pilot sees I could have done some made up interior of the tower but I didn't get access to that area, It's a flight sim, not a passenger sim or an air traffic control sim, I fly online with at least 80 pilots and not one of them was bothered with the interiors, my focus is airside and what you see when you taxi to your parking spot. Some airport terminals where they have large glass facades , like Boulder ,yes the interior is a cucial part, and I have done that, but Launceston had little to gain from that treatment, It's always a judgement call, there are plenty of big international airports being done with fantastic modelling of the internal terminal area. Lonnys character was it's beautifull old weathered buildings and if you notice the sharp airlines hangar has enough glass for 10 hangars.



    I appreciate your reply and explanation of your viewpoint, it's one of those things that really splits the crowd, for some it's not important at all, for others it's really important. In the end it's down to personal preference, for me it adds immersion and also enhances night lightning etc, it's the part of a full airport experience. 

    With that said, I look forward to get YMLT!

    • Like 2
  5. On 12/13/2022 at 12:19 PM, Marcus Nyberg said:




    Hey guys,


    Interesting to read your comments. I'll just add my thoughts quickly.

    So the reason I mentioned it will not be high-res interiors is the fact that I mentioned earlier that it was my intention to have those included in a state "where you could have a virtual beer doing planespotting" ;)


    I'm trying to be transparent with the project so people following the progress will not be dissapointed when it's released. Just balancing the expectations really.

    For this project I've had the idea to be include you all on the project, both for my own sake of course, but also so if there are inputs they can be shared early in the process and everyone can be at least a little bit included in what we are building. Then there might be situations like now when I have to back-step on something I've said would be included earlier. Personally I think honesty and transparency could be a nice thing in this community so you all know what you are getting for the money and hopefully understand why some things are included and others not. And to me trying to step down a few steps on the ambition for the interiors meant more time for other objects, which I found to be a great thing. I'm sorry if that was received another way.


    The reason why I'm back-stepping on the interiors a bit is not a technical reason.To me it's mainly about time management and where to put the focus. I have to take in what the community wants (otherwise it's hard making a living doing this obviously!), but somewhere along the road I need to think about what kind of scenery I would enjoy myself. What I really enjoy is clutter, dense messy airside with tons of things and photorealistic textures. I'm not a PBR guy (even if we are including it where we find neccesary), I rarely explore interiors and I still bake shadows into textures. My style and workflow is suddenly old school! :) 

    And what I discovered was that it takes so much time making interiors if you want it to be correct. Kudos to all the devs that are able to put that time in! I spent way more time on the interior of the terminal piers than the exteriors. It didn't seem like a great way of use of my time. I came to the conclusion that custom objects specific to the airport, or better building textures, or better looking ground markings was something I found more important. All developers need to balance where they put their efforts of course :)


    I am honestly a bit troubled about many products released these days, as I also mentioned in the post as well in a comment. Mostly for my own sake really, it's key to understand the community if I will be able to create things the community wants to buy. And I feel I barely understand the market anymore. There is a massive focus on interiors and PBR, texture work is sharp but generic and in preview screenshots there are rarely shots from showing close up airside. Basically every aspect of what I try to be good at in my sceneries doesn't seem that requested anymore, so I felt I can't drop a high-definition interior without announcing that or people would get upset. I often drop in texture resolution in favour for variation, I don't do full PBR, I texture with real world photos instead of materials, I even bake shadows even when MSFS2020 has an automatic shadow system in place. I'm simply old school and I realized it's better I focus on what I can do good & would enjoy myself as a customer instead of trying to create something I don't really get myself.


    And just to be clear, there are interiors added! It's not like you will watch a flat window, and I've honestly spent a massive amount of hours on that as well, but I have cut corners on how it's made to save on performance and time making them. I found it more important the correct restaurant or store could be viewed from the cockpit than it would look great if you went with the drone camera. That's really it. Everything I have previewed so far is included and all terminals will have interiors, but as you will probably notice is that we don't really feature many screenshots from the inside, of the simple reason it doesn't look as good from that angle.


    I understand and actually agree with what you said @Flyer2022 (also thanks for a very constructive post) that it's better to focus on what is included instead of proudly pointing out what is not, and I apologize about that. I will try to have a better attitude moving forward.



    I really appreciate your explanation of the thought process and inviting us along the journey!


    There is no doubt MSFS have changed the landscape for airport add-ons, as the bar was raised for both visual and technical aspects. For me, who find a well-made airport really important, I finally feel that with MSFS this part of flight simning can finally offer the level of immersion I'm after.


    If I'm looking at the best airport add-ons out there, they offer top quality both in terms of interior and exterior. That doesn't mean that every nook and cranny needs to be super detailed. As an example, using parallax in some areas that are not the focus point is in my view a fair solution to save both time and resources.


    Take your Bromma as an example, I love it and use it a lot, but for me the addition of the interior took it to another level. It's not just about exploring the airport, but take the night lighting as an example. Opaque, flat window textures can never replicate the lighting from a terminal with an interior, especially when it's well-made, such as yours Bromma.


    I definitely understand the time aspect though, and the larger the airport is the more challenging the time factor becomes. So comprising with the scope is a far better solution than compromising with quality.


    I can imagine there is some pressure to "perform", with a lot of high quality products coming out, but you shouldn't worry about that. I think people enjoy your work because you do things with quality, attention to detail and with your stamp on it.


    All this have earned you a great reputation in the community, so you should continue on that path and let your strengths speak. If you feel it's right and important, then trust that instinct!

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  6. On 8/13/2022 at 7:44 PM, pyreegue said:

    Wow what a read! Thanks for taking me back in time haha. Though I’m not sure what buses you’re talking about, the landside ones or the ones parked near stands 9-11.

    I was wrong about the buses, saw now that they were not parked off but actual passenger stops :)

    Can also confirm taxi to gate is now working! Also got the opportunity to see the airport at night, stunning, you really nailed the lights!

    • Like 1
  7. @pyreegue
    I finally had the opportunity to get my first look at Belfast and wow, really amazed by it! I remember how I really enjoyed the first airport I got that was made by you, Boryspil, as it was just how I remembered it IRL. Then later when Lviv was released I remember thinking "Wow, this is as good as it gets...only thing I'm missing is some people, who would give it a bit more life". When you added people to Edinburgh I thought this is it, can't get better than this...


    ..and with Belfast, you've outperformed yourself again! An absolute masterpiece! Everything is done with such a quality and passion, but what I love most is the attention to details. "Small things" such as the windows, how the glass feels so real because it's not perfect, as it's weathered, or the lights in the fridges with drinks in the lounge or the cafes..or the moving fans in the AC units, the people actually looking like they are working in the tower and so on!

    With the people in and around the terminal moving, it really adds another dimension of immersion. When I pulled up in front of the terminal and saw people sit and chat in the café it was just awesome!

    Performance wise it was great for me on my rather dated computer, I've always thought parallax is a great technique to use in buildings/places where it's not the main focus. Makes such a difference in the static airplanes to use it in the cabin, instead of just black textures. 

    Everything is so well done, so it's hard to find any flaws, even in areas further away there is so much to explore and the quality is just as good. I know I will discover more things every time I fly to or from Belfast :D The only thing I could think of (and now we are on a very very detailed level) would be the buses. I felt they were not as good as the other vehicles and the ones parked on the side had the same passenger textures as those in front of the terminal, but that is just a very minor thing. 

    So thank you and keep up the good work!!

    (PS. Have not tried it with the patch yet for the taxi issue)

    • Like 2
  8. Much appreciated update, thanks!


    So much great stuff in the pipeline! Personally Arlanda, Oslo and GB North for MSFS are what I look most forward to! With that said, the US airport's, such as Boise and also Melbourne is definitely on the list!


    ..then I see some of those screenshots and realize I will get most of the airports!


    Panama and GB North (I assume this is the same concept as the UK region central?) were mentioned, but are there plans to continue releasing more landmark packs going forward? 

    • Like 1
  9. Absolutely love your work @pyreegue! That roadmap is looking really exciting, Belfast and Aberdeen are great picks!


    There are lot of smaller airport's in Scotland, such as Stornoway Airport, that would be great, but might be too small ones for you.


    While there is a Dublin airport already, it's not so good, so would love to see a worthy version!

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Marcus Nyberg said:



    Thanks for the nice words!


    Just to comment quickly on the shots.

    Things like the one in photo number 1 can be fixed with just some overlays, as you can see on the left side of the taxiway it looks like i have another opacity on the patch than on the right side which of course can be adjusted so they look less blurry. In my humble opinion not really a big thing but can see for some areas if I can improve that for the patch :)


    Number 2 is yeah that is just limitation of the imagery we got combined with the limitation on how MSFS2020 shows textures. The alternative would be to hand draw all textures and create them as 3d objects instead of terrain, think that is just a bit too much and not even sure the end result would look better. However, I have a strong feeling those things will look better in a P3D edition if that happens, just something about how it renders that bugs me in this simulator.


    Number 3, a great example on how we combined different imagery assets for it to be up to date but still sharp, that patch you find there is from the newer imagery weirdly enough, that fire station is newly built so that whole area looked different just a few years ago. Can't do much about that, but when I compared to either having a very dated version or a blended version with the different resolutions then I thought this was the better alternative at least :)


    Hope that explains it,


    Cheers, have a nice weekend! :)



    Thanks, reckon the decisions taken makes sense given your explanation, so all good! Doesn't take away anything as for being a fantastic airport! Enjoy your weekend too!

  11. 1 hour ago, Marcus Nyberg said:


    Will fix that church, forgot to remove the autogen one.

    As for ground textures, depending if you talk about

    1) The satellite material

    We spent months on just mixing different assets together to get something that is up to date. The up-to-date material we had was really bad in quality so we mixed it in with material that was a few years older to get as crisp as possible but still as true to the current state of Bromma as possible.

    2) The asphalt textures

    I chose to let the original satellite material shine through quite much as there is so much variation in the real asphalt that would go to waste if having just a set of asphalt textures on top like we did for ESGG & ESMS for instance. Maybe that was a mistake? Personally I have no problems with the ground textures at the airport but if the majority want them to be more repetative in favour for getting more "crisp" textures then sure we can look at it.

    3) The taxilines etc

    There is a limitation in MSFS2020 on how highres ground textures are allowed to be, the same textures would show super-crisp in P3D. Why is that limitation? No idea.


    As for interiors:

    I'm looking into maybe adding the terminal area. No promises though and I still think this package holds so much details as it is. I will probably never ever get back this investment and should probably have moved on months ago :) 



    Hope that answers the downsides you felt about the scenery.

    And hope you continue to enjoy the airport!






    Thank you for responding, that is much appreciated!

    I always feel bad about bringing up negatives (in my opinion), as the package is fantastic and I really love the airport and POI (that approach is my favourite one now in MSFS), so please see it as nitpicking rather than anything major and I understand the time/cost investment factor in it. So if you would ever return to do some interior or such then I hope there is a way to contribute (donate) to such an effort. I think the package as it is for the price is really filled with high-quality content and the the choice to add POI before other stuff was clearly the right one!

    As for the textures, I'm personally perfectly fine with the asphalt textures, the runway as an example looks good in my mind. What I refer to are these kind of "blurry" patches of ground textures, which might be the ones you referred to as being a limitation in MSFS (by light/taxi sign)

    Road outside the terminal

    Or this little area

    Thanks once again and keep up the good work!

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