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Posts posted by EasternT3

  1. 4 minutes ago, idontknow123 said:

    This scenery hasn't worked for me since day 1.


    Either let me disable those windsocks, or give me a refund. I don't care if it's a sim issue or not, as a customer I was not inform of this issue and this is not right.

    Maor, You have an issue with the scenery and people are trying to help you fix it, it's sounding more and more that unfortunately it's a issue with your sim. Don't worry we all have a product in our fly sim career that doesn't work, I've had a few, nothing we can do, just software isn't always compatible with every setup.


    What I very much disagree with is you doubling down on the idea Orbx has hidden this issue from you...they haven't...as it's already been said twice, no-one had the issue when testing the product so please explain how Orbx should have informed you of the issue, when no-one had seen the issue before you and one other person raised it 

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  2. 2 hours ago, idontknow123 said:

    why was this freaking scenery released with such a horrible and noticeable bug, blaming the sims ?


    On 6/22/2021 at 6:08 AM, John Dow said:

    Well it didn't appear in the beta testing that I ever saw so we can assume that the cause is something that is easy to identify or fix.  If it had appeared it wouldn't have got the green light for release. 


    I don't see any reference anywhere to this being a known bug before release. 


    Idontknow123 - Read the replies to your OP, as John Dow says, the scenery would NOT have been released had the issue been noticed in testing, and obviously isn't a massive issue as only 2 people have raised the concern...and I guarantee more than 2 people have bought the airport. The airport is not a 'state' due to this issue, and is still very usable, again they didn't know there was a bug as it didn't appear in testing. It may be your choice to think twice about buying from Orbx again but that's a mistake as Orbx are one if not the best in the business.


    Like Nick said have a little patience and a fix will be released soon, which is more than other developers who'd just wait and hope Asobo fixes the issue as it's a SIM issue not an Orbx issue



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  3. 1 hour ago, Seanmo said:

    It does make sense, I am sure you will agree, for Asobo to update the most important and used regions of the world first. I also cannot imagine being bored with any of the world updates so far. They have been great with upgraded airports and provided at no cost.

    I defiantly agree it makes sense to upgrade areas used the most or the data is easily available (like Western Europe), as for being bored, probably not the best choice of words by me, I mean just like airports it be nice to see more variety (yes I know airports are done based of what will sell the best amongst other reasons), personally I'd like to fly more in AU/NZ or the Caribbean, and hope a fairly popular area like AU/NZ isn't left till 2022/23 while they do the Eastern European bloc, which going of VATSIM isn't that popular or needed as much, but yes you can't grumble at the free world updates, especially the payware-esk work coming from Gaya. As for the other upgraded airports I can't comment on them as I only use payware airports/or the WU gaya airports

  4. 17 minutes ago, BradB said:


    Hopefully World Update 7 this Fall they will cover AU and NZ , hopefully then this POI wii be there . 

    I really hope WU7 will cover AU and NZ, I'm getting bored of WU's being Europe (bar the first 2 being Japan and USA) and hope to see more of world (although I bet getting the right data is very hard for Africa/South America/Asia etc)

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  5. I really love the Orbx stuff for AU, it's just a shame I can't really use them currently as there's due to the lack of (but soon coming) aircraft in MSFS.


    43 minutes ago, flyguy737 said:

    I would like to see Orbx do YBBN and YBCG


    I believe YBBN is in the pipeline, I was under the impression we may have seen it March/April but seems to be delayed, I hope in time the entire Orbx AU catalogue will land in MSFS.

    45 minutes ago, flyguy737 said:

    Does anyone know if we will see a GSX ground handling for MSFS2020 or is there one already I do not know about?


    There's Pushback express by FS2Crew and a few freeware ones, but FSDT are currently developing GSX, although I see it being another few months based on their forums.



  6. Thanks Pete for the extra information. I’ve been waiting for DX12 to come to MSFS, and hopefully aid performance , sometimes you don’t realise how much difference an extra 5 FPS helps especially when we’ll be running PMDG Aircraft at high detail airports

    • Like 1
  7. I'm not well educated on the history surrounding "Ayer's Rock" but doing quick research, the airport still seems to be known as Ayers Rock but also Connellan airport and Qantas still refers to it as the former. Maybe rename it to Ayers Rock/Uluru if anything as this would reflect real life 

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  8. 51 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

    Comparisons with MSFS add nothing to this discussion and are not required.


    Sorry! I'll refrain from making further comment, I don't like MSFS vs P3D vs XPL debates, just wanted to explain why I can't see P3D "catching up"


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  9. 1 hour ago, GaryRR said:

    One thing MSFS will never have.

    It will not recieve professional, academic, or regulatory training endorsement as long as it is marketed as entertainment. LM and Laminar have both carved out that corner. 

    Are you physic? Yes currently MSFS is a entertainment sim for the average user, where as P3D was never and will never be this, however P3D is meant for commercial uses only and we should be lucky LM begrudgingly let the average Joe use it (and wrongly, the amount the people that bought the academic licence  instead of professional)


    1 hour ago, GaryRR said:

    The flight modeling still needs work which likely will be improved.


    It's currently being worked on, that being said there's not one sim that has a perfect flight model that is in the average persons budget, also slight flight model imperfections doesn't make the sim "procedurally unrealistic" :) 


    1 hour ago, GaryRR said:

    MS owns what rights?


    I can't find the article but another knowledgeable person can chip in regarding the nature of the ESP between MS and LM, regardless of who owns what when it comes to P3D, it's unlikely LM will go down the path of MSFS because a) I believe MS can have a say it what LM can do or not do to P3D, and b) the sim is for commercial use only really. So for commercial users, is live-streamed data for the world what they actually need?


    Also on a side note, there's people believing that yesterdays P3D V5.2 release could be the final version of P3D. (and these are hardcore P3D'ers)


    1 hour ago, GaryRR said:

    But in place of live stream that Sat data could be turned into a packaged scenery by global region and shipped with the sim and updated every 6 months or a year. 



    Going back to your OP, and as Nick says, photo/sat data is possible but highly unlikely in P3D to the level of MSFS. Yes some data is free but the quality of it isn't great, therefore payware is realistically the only way, and I for one can't see that. I used P3D for almost a decade between FSX and MSFS so I like the sim, but if you look at the state of the current sim world, it's unlikely P3D will 'catch up' with MSFS from either LM or 3rd Party input, the reason for the second is because of the dying market for 3rd party addons in P3D, (which is why you see 85% of new releases are MSFS, 10% XPL, 5% P3D).


    I'm not trying to make P3D (or obsolete) because they're not, people still use FSX and FS9 to this day, but I think (and I visit a lot of devs website in the flight sim world and see what they are saying) people should temper their expectations when it comes to P3D, I just can't see and major developments to have P3D catch up, and whether people like it or not, MSFS is looking like the way forward for an entertainment sim

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  10. As Nick says TE is P3D/X-Planes equivalent of Bing for MSFS (although IMO TE Still doesn't manage to equal default MSFS) but the issue is I personally can't see it being financially sound for Orbx to expand massively into TE much more, I get some people want to stick with other sims but I feel more people will more to MSFS when we see the more complex aircraft like PMDG later this month and year, thus shrinking the already shrinking P3D/X-Plane market.


    I feel the only real way for P3D/XPL to 'keep up' with MSFS is to implement the sat data is the base sim like MSFS does but in P3Ds case I can't see it happening as it's a commercial sim and MS still controls the rights, so again it probably won't happen.


    Btw MSFS is a sim that's already "procedurally realistic" not sure how you determined it's not

    • Like 3
  11. 22 minutes ago, steve888 said:

    If you compare today’s addon airport with the one 20-30 years ago, of cause BURK is way better than the one 30 years ago even with some bugs. But this is not an apple to apple comparison. We should compare BURK with similar products of today such as Orbx KSBA.

    You make a good point. I guess I’m a person who isn’t bothered with things like this autogen issue, but then I understand people like yourself who wants a near as perfect product. Hopefully Matteo can find a solution sooner rather then later.

  12. 36 minutes ago, steve888 said:

    The low FPS was resolved on the update but a new issue- missing autogen- appeared with no solution yet.

    Ah, I must have purchased KBUR after the issue was rectified. I knew from previous experiences that sometimes addon conflicts are a thing and it’s not always obvious what it is for example a airport in Europe could affect an Australian cityscape.


    26 minutes ago, steve888 said:

    I’m not saying BURK is 100% not working, but it works not as good as advertised. Do you want to spend the money to buy a Lexus car but functioning as a Toyota car?


    I get what you mean, everyone’s opinions of addons vary, I have spend most of my life on flight sims and remember back in FS9/FSX days where an airport would just be the airport and it would only be 10% of the quality we have now, now we get very high quality with interiors and the surroundings which is great, so for me personally this issue is negligible (I can’t even say I’ve noticed it) when you compare it to what we had 1-2 decades ago.


    (Also a mute point, but just an FYI, the quote you replied to was me responding to the other Steve in the thread, not that it’s important but he said KBUR is a non-working product)

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