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Hi All. How many of you use the Ezdoc software. I have been trying to use it and not having much luck. Have been looking at some of the YouTube vids but not much help there as some hardly cover the basics or they try to show you as though you already know what to do. Then I found that you can download other people's things, can not think of what it's called, like frooglesim and loaded that but got into all sort of trouble as I did not know what the keys were for different views or what flight controls he used. So in end I uninstalled it and my new A2A C 182 to start from scratch. In the mean time have allso lost the ability to use the middle button on mouse to pan around in the sim. Any body know how to get that back have tried in the controls but no luck. Cheer's Derek.

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There is a you tube video by a chap called Froggle which shows you how to set the Ezdoc up, which might help. No idea about the mouse Im afraid, I dont use the software I use 3D cockpit graphics, cheaper, and gives same effect re rumbling and vibration, although you cant change the camera views.


Hope this helps.



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Hi Rhys. Yes that is frooglesim who I watch all so but he is the one who tends to be a bit quick in explaining things all so the bit of his Ezdoc that you can download. Have never heard of 3D cockpit graphics ? Thanks for the reply. Derek.

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Hello Derek.

I have EzDok and love it.  I use it alongside Track IR but I'm not sure if you have it.  Yes there are many tutorials out there on youtube as far as how to use it.  One of the main keys you need to get familiar with is the Num 2.  After you double click in each one of the available open spaces it allows you to name your cameras.  There are different cockpit views you can assign as well as external views and world views.  One you've named your particular view, press the keypad Num2 and it allows you to edit the view exactly how you want to with the page up/ page down for height and the forward, backward, right, and left with the arrows.  You can also lock your cockpit walls so you don't go through them which adds to the realism by clicking on the little "L" and making your adjustments there also.  The Num 3 turns it on or off. It's not as difficult as you think.  Just take your time and press pause and rewind and follow each step until you get it.  Without EzDok, especially for A2A aircraft, your flight sim experience will definitely lack the realism you should be experiencing.



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Hi All. How many of you use the Ezdoc software. I have been trying to use it and not having much luck. Have been looking at some of the YouTube vids but not much help there as some hardly cover the basics or they try to show you as though you already know what to do. Then I found that you can download other people's things, can not think of what it's called, like frooglesim and loaded that but got into all sort of trouble as I did not know what the keys were for different views or what flight controls he used. So in end I uninstalled it and my new A2A C 182 to start from scratch. In the mean time have allso lost the ability to use the middle button on mouse to pan around in the sim. Any body know how to get that back have tried in the controls but no luck. Cheer's Derek.


It is easy and tricky at the same time. Purchase 1.15 from Flight1 and install it. Don't bother with the other updates. Get v1.18.6 here: http://www.ezdok-software.com/resources/files/EZCA_1186.zip then copy the files on top of the old files.


Now run the config as an admin. Then run P3D as an admin. Everything should work. The key is P3D as an admin.


Config is here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/ezca-1185-beta-available-for-download_topic51089_page1.html

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