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Trouble loading Global Base and Global Vector on FSX : Steam Edition

Marcus G

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Order Number: FSS0380855 and Order Number: FSS0381182


Good evening, 


 Hope everyone had a great week!


 I recently bought Global Base and Global Vector and I have issues installing both products:


 Starting with Global Base (GB):  Everything was fine with the install until it asked for Disk #2.  I quickly realized The 10 or so files that unzipped with executable files were the disks.  I created a separate folder for these files but when I tried to load the file or disk #2, it would not load.  So I canceled the installation and tried again.  This time it went through the entire installation without asking for any disks and this time I got a windows error message saying the software did not load correctly which I thought might be a windows thing so I didn't take too much stock in that message.  I knew Global Vector could not be loaded without GB so I started the GV installation (after creating another folder for the 10 or so files unzipped with the GV executable file. I loaded file (disk #2) when I got to that point in the installation and it seemed to work fine and the whole program loaded and finished it seemed without issue.  Then I got a message about FTX configurator but that never came up and then I got an error message about the configurator. At the same time, I was getting what looked like a wordpad document that was listed errors and exceptions to many scenery files. Then I received a message saying Global Vector was applied but with errors.  Was this because GB did not load correctly or was there a problem with GV? Should I try to reinstall both program again? I had read in older forums of issues with FSX Steam edition and these programs not loading to the proper path but I don't think that was the issue here.  Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thank you!



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Doogles, thanks for the reply! The second time around I did extract the files into a separate folder and then ran the .exe file. This time I get to the point in the unwrapper when the installer is about to start and you get the message about not clicking "finish" on the unwrapper until the installer is finished. Of course, I have not clicked finish and when I get to the point in the installer where you choose between FSX and Prepar3ed; I choose FSX and then I get this error.


Radio Buttons 01 > On Next, Line: Argument 2 must be of type string


Stack Traceback


1: [Radio Buttons 01 > On Next] Line 10 in main chunk




Sorry, can't seem to find the attach button or I would attach a picture of the error message.


Unfortunately, I can't go any further and have to cancel the installation.

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First I'd check the MD5 hash to make sure you don't have a corrupt download. You can find the MD5 value on download page and you can use the free WinMD5 program to check your local file. If the values don't match just download the file again.


Also it couldn't hurt to use WinRAR or WinZIP to unzip the files (both have free demos). It may no longer be the case but FS Global 2010 (from a different company but also sold through FlightSimStore so uses the FlightSimStore install app) had issues with the built-in Windows decompressor program.

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Doogles and Mike, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.  Doogles, the linked worked great!  What I did was get Revo Uninstaller and uninstalled both Steam and FSX and cleaned the registry completely.  I then installed Steam and FSX again.  Side note, I learned through trial and error that AVAST virus scanned has to be turned off before you install FSX for some reason.  I then used WinZip to extract Global Base and Global Vector so thanks for the suggestion Mike.  Both GB and GV loaded correctly this time!! Thanks again for all the help guys!



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