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Problem Installing FTX Australia, SP3


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I have recently updated my computer which is running Windows 7 Professional.  I have been able to install my Fsim X Gold Edition but cannot not install my bought copy of FTX Australia, SP3.  I used to be able to run it on my old computer, but that had the Windows 7 Premium operating system.  As I have a lot of purchased FTX scenery software including Canberra Airport where I used to work, I am really disappointed and desperate to try and install my FTX programs.  The Canberra Airport program was so accurate I could fly a helicopter up to my old office window, where I used to be able look over the whole airfield from my desk.  Could anyone please advise of any action I might need to take.  I am getting an awful feeling the Windows 7 Pro operating system is so completely different than the other Windows 7 O/S that the FTX programs may be incompatible.   I only installed the Professional copy of Win 7 so I could install 32GB of RAM which apparently cannot be done under the other versions.  Thanks in advance.    

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Hi, regarding supplying order numbers, I purchased ftx Australia SP3 and a number of other ftx scenery titles for Australian airports some years ago from PC Aviator.  I did the purchasing over the net direct with PC Aviator on my old computer. My old computer died just before Christmas 2014 and if I still had any of the purchasing correspondence from PC Aviator it would be still on my my dead computer which has gone to the rubbish tip.  I didn't know about this orbxsystems site until a few weeks ago, I thought ftx had gone out of business and I was just doing a search to see if I could find something written about the problem I had been having with installing the program on my new computer.  At no stage before finding this site did I know I would need a copy of my purchasing details and if I had a hard copy of my order, the programs were purchased, I'm not exactly sure about three or four years ago.  As I had not been having any trouble running the programs before I don't think I would have kept the paperwork.  I will have a real good look through copious stuff I have in my computer filing cabinet, but I am not real hopeful on finding anything.  What can I do if I can't find the paperwork, am I stuck with completely good programs which I definitely purchased from PC Aviator?  Your advice would be appreciated.  When I have purchased different programs from retailers, after I have the program up and running okay, I, like most other people, I imagine, just get rid of any paperwork as I wouldn't usually require it. There is nothing on the program cases or discs saying that I needed to keep my purchasing details for some later proof of purchase. If I can't find anything about my purchasing, I do hope there is some other way I can gain the required assistance otherwise I will have just wasted buying the programs at full retail price when they were being sold by PC Aviator.  Regards Chris

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Hi pottsy,


Speaking reflectively, you know Orbx being global provider could not believe only in consumer word!


For what you claim and wait, technical solutions are available from Orbx.




Go ahead, everything will be fine ...



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Hi Chris,

I don't know much PC Aviator but I guess you can get the history of your orders into the customer area. If not, I can suggest you to contact PC Aviator's support to have the copy of all your former invoices.

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To Voyager and Richard Bui, thank you guys for your advice it's much appreciated.  I am a permanently disabled RAAF (Air Force) Veteran who after being injured had to retire at 43 having served for 20 years.  Since then I have lived on my disability pension from Veterans' Affairs Australia. I bought my programs with money I received as Christmas and birthday presents from my wife and children as they knew how excited I was to be able to purchase Australian scenery and especially the Canberra Airport Scenery Pack as that is where I worked for four and a half years.  My office was situated on the second floor of a building overlooking the airield (ah, bliss, the smell of avtur, marvelous ::)  and after flying a helicopter around the airfield I could actual fly up to the window that was once my office and do the same on the program, it is pretty accurate.  Apart from my injuries I have been suffering from acute depression at having to give up work when I was at top of my game and not being able to use my Australian FTX software only made my depression worse.  I will follow up on both your suggestions as I don't want to go through this again.  I mean I could even show you photos of the four programs I have from ftx complete with discs and cases, but I can't see that would be acceptable.  I accept Voyager on what you are saying that Orbx is a global company and cannot believe everyone's word.  But I do feel a bit slighted that on such a simple thing as asking why my program doesn't work on Windows 7 Professional when it would on Windows 7 Premium, it seemed like such an innocuous question.  Actually I think Orbx may have a problem with the Australian Consumer Commission in that nowhere when I purchased the programs was anything written about having to keep paperwork for years when asking the company for advice.  Under Australian Consumer Law, the purchased goods do not still have to be under warranty to ask the provider of the product for information when said product doesn't work.  The ACCC laws were made a lot, lot stricter last year putting the onus on the manufacturer to provide certain services within reason, when the purchaser bought the product in good faith.  But, thanks to you two guys, I can get on and try and work this out, I certainly am appreciative as I couldn't afford to spend the money again just to repurchase the product and then maybe be informed that no, the program doesn't work with Win 7 Pro, but thanks for the receipt number. That would have meant I would have ended up with two copies of the program that I purchased in good faith, that maybe wouldn't now work.  When I purchased the programs I was running windows XP and the packet only advised up to then Windows Vista (yuk), I then updated to Win 7 premium.  Okay, I am sorry, I have raved on too much here and this is part of my depression problem, so please guys don't think I am ungrateful to you two for helping me out, I am indeed very much indebted to you.  FYI I think PC Aviator, in Brisbane Australia may have been the only Australian distributor of ftx products, but I am not 100% sure about that.  I have already written to them seeking their advice about operating systems.  I will go back to them and ask if they would have a copy of my purchases over the years and if they could please suply same.  They are a really good company to deal with, so I am sure they will help out if they can. Again thank you for you help Voyager and Richard and kind regards to both of you.  Chris

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Good Luck Chris. With computer, much trading information are backup for decades so you will easily recover yours licenses. Hope you will come back to virtual skies again :)

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Hi I am back, I have placed my purchase number and the DVD details from PC Aviator Australia in my signature details as instructed by Holger 2nd entry above. and for good measure here again are the details; 


FTX Australia SP3 DVD PC Aviator Australia , Order id: #1238

 Now I hope this is enough information to allow my inquiry to be answered.  I think orbx would have saved what are after all are their clients from some time ago a lot of stress and the doubting of their customers word, when they chose to sell through retailers but chose not to have any serial numbers or identifying features on their product.  I bought the product as said before, in good faith and did all that was required of me when I purchased the orbx product through their re-seller, now that orbx has decided they require identifying information which most people who bought the product some years earlier, probably don't still have and orbx never placed any identifier on their product. Very poor show I feel.


Now as I have supplied what was requested of me could someone at orbx please answer my question, which was;  can the ftx Australia SP3 disc be install on Fltsim Gold Edition running on Windows 7 Professional.  I can't get my copy to run although it did operate fine on Windows 7 Premium and Windows XP. Once this matter is all sorted am I now allowed to purchase a copy of the Canberra surrounds program or will I have to prove some other thing?  I am really keen to run the programs as I am house bound and I love to fly around areas that I know, I used to live in Canberra and as stated before worked at Canberra Airport.  Thank you to anyone that may be able to assist and I do not mean to offend anyone in my comments I have made, when one is suffering PTSD and is in constant pain pain 24/7 from injuries received while serving his country in the Air Force, it doesn't take much for one to get totally stressed out and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  To my two helpful friends Richard and Voyager above, thanks again you are indeed kind gentlemen.

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Hi pottsy,


thanks for posting the order number. FYI, this requirement isn't new but rather, as you can see from the date of the sticky thread I've linked to, has been in effect since 2008. Moreover, perhaps your disappointment would be better directed against those who not only steal our work but then have the audacity to ask for support in our forums; unfortunately, that's something much more common than one would like to believe. Thus, I find your "very poor show" comment rather offensive.


In any case, what is the particular problem you encounter when trying to install AU SP3? Do you receive any error messages? Our products and their installers are fully compatible with Windows 7 Professional, in fact it's the OS I use on my computers too.


Cheers, Holger

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Holger, First of all apologies for such a late reply, I have been laid up with my ongoing chronic pain, I got as far one night to log in but I had to sign back out as I couldn't sit for very long.  I did not mean to cause you or anyone else any offense, as I mentioned in my entry above.  I only meant it was a poor show that the program when originally written didn't have some sort of registration system or what have you to stop pirates from stealing the programmers hard work.  But I suppose it's easy for me to say that as I am not a programmer and have no idea how hard something like that would be to write into a program. Anyway, you answered my question Holger, which was: is FTX Australia compatible with Windows 7 Professional 64bit. I thank you for your answer and now I know I can sort it out myself.   As an aside, I mentioned that I had a copy of the Canberra YSCB program from Orbx and that I was amazed at how realistic it is.   As a bit of trivia about Canberra Airport and in particular the RAAF Fairbairn side of the airport, the middle hangar next to the hangar with the control tower on the side, in real life the sliding hangar door on the starboard side has a hole in it about the size of a .303 bullet hole.  During WWII, the base was used as among other things, a bomber base.  There was an aircraft in that hangar being worked on and unbeknownst to the techo working in the cockpit, the aircraft guns were loaded without a safety on.  He accidentally hit the trigger, a shot rang out,the bullet passing through the hangar door and unfortunately, killing an airman standing on the other side. That hole is still there to this day.  Just a little bit of scuttlebutt FYI. I am now off to buy the FTX Canberra scenery disk, as I lived in Canberra for 12 years and no doubt will get great pleasure in flying over the city, which I have done, many, many times in real life.. 


Thanks again,  Pottsy

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Hi Pottsy,


I also bought some Orbx scenery (on DVDs) from PC Aviator several years ago, and installed them on a previous machine. I was able to use my order history with them (simply using email - no paper required) to confirm my purchases when using FSS's cross-grade offer, so as to 'convert' my old discs to the latest download versions.  You might consider doing the same, as the latest versions are always worth having - I do recommend it :)


BTW, I'm happily running it all on Windows 7 Pro x64.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jabble,


Thanks for the advice.  I have downloaded my purchase history from PC Aviator and supplied the purchase proof for my original question above.  Thanks for your advice, much appreciated.





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