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Micro pauses/freezes with hybrid or Orbx full scenery areas


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I am experiencing frequent micro pauses/freezes lasting less than 1 second (usually) whenever I fly with  FTX global and hybrid mode enabled or when I fly in any of the full Orbx scenery areas within the Europe or North America regions (which of course is without hybrid). If I disable hybrid and just have FTX global then the problem goes away.   I get the pauses with all aircraft even the default ones but notice it most with the complex big iron (even at high altitude).  They are a particular problem in the UK and western Europe but also throughout the US.  There are some areas where I am free of the problem notably the Oceania region and in other areas way from towns and cities eg if you fly north from Vancouver or  east of Poland in Europe and over the ocean and along the flightpath for the PMDG T7 tutorial 1.  For example If I fly the 737NGX from say St Petersburg to London I start off free of the pauses and then they start over Poland as I pass over more built up localities


I have a relatively high end system even by today's standards (i7 4770K OC to 4.5 ghz and 770 4GB gpu running FSX MS on it's own 500MB Velociraptor HDD and 1440p monitor) that has been set up closely following the NickN bible and in most situations I get high framerates albeit with these annoying pauses.  Changing display settings has no effect nor using a fresh FSX.cfg.  I have installed the latest libs but that didn't fix the pauses.


So what is going on here?  I have had this system for a year but only just noticed the issue because I usually only fly in Australia or New Zealand where I don't have the problem.  Any suggestions most welcome.



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Hi Bruce,

when the SIM starts with micro pauses it indicates that it needs time to load things and the resources are running "thin" can advice to visit this site and kill off all not needed processes that are running in the background using up valuable resources => http://www.blackviper.com

also it is a known fact that the PMDG 737 isn't the friendliest addon when it comes down to VAS usage, you'll have to trim down on the eye candy by lowering settings in fsX to compensate for the higher VAS usage by the 737

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Thanks I will check that out but perhaps you could explain why I only get this with hybrid mode or the Northern hemisphere Orbx regions and not in other very demanding situations such as FSDT CYVR/Vancouver 3 provided hybrid and Orbx regions are disabled and never in Australia or New Zealand even with hybrid etc. Furthermore this doesn't appear to be a VAS issue as it happens with 1.7 plus gb VAS left  at 30000 ft with framerates of 80 plus over middle America in the T7.  I have a test flight scenario that is a circuit around YSCB that has always been resource intensive and can be hard on VAS useage but even with the T7 but I don't get the freezes as described above with or without hybrid even though I see VAS drop alarmingly on final approach.





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I find reducing display settings to very low makes no difference and I get the problem with the default Cessna so this is not just a PMDG related matter nor has it anything to do with VAS.  I looked at the site that advocates turning off services at boot but note that PMDG expressly counsels against doing this in their intro to the T7.  Furthermore I have already applied NickNs recommendations for Win7 setup.



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I just re checked that I don't get these freezes in Australia with hybrid enabled and indeed a circuit of YMML in the NGX went very smooth FPS 30 plus in the main and no freezes - but go to the northern hemispehere regions a different story freezes of half a second or so per minute.  Points to something very odd in my orbx setup.



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Points to something very odd in my orbx setup.

I'd check for old/redundant/duplicate sceneries. This sounds very similar to stuttering problems I had years ago when I had other NZ sceneries (payware and freeware) running alongside FTX NZNI/NZSI.

I would often compare ORBX and Robin Corn or VLC areas - but had to be careful to de-activate specific .bgl or elevation files. If I didn't quite get it right, I'd end up with those sorts of stutters.

In the end, I gave up - came off the fence - and threw my lot in with ORBX. ;)


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Moin Bruce,


did you try a run without any anti virus software? 2 weeks ago,  I was annoyed, when my  AV removed again files during software installation, and due to it's strange usabiltiy concept, I was unable to find and restore those files, I've uninstalled the AV stuff. Later, I realized those loading pauses in P3D were gone. Maybe also yours, it costs10-15 minutes to try this.


Good luck,


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Not sure how this would help for instance how does it explain that the problem only occurs in Northern Hemisphere Orbx scenery?  The only AV I have is Microsoft Security Essentials which I have been using for years without any issues and it doesn't scan my FSX drive.  But thank you for the suggestion.



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I'd check for old/redundant/duplicate sceneries. This sounds very similar to stuttering problems I had years ago when I had other NZ sceneries (payware and freeware) running alongside FTX NZNI/NZSI.

I would often compare ORBX and Robin Corn or VLC areas - but had to be careful to de-activate specific .bgl or elevation files. If I didn't quite get it right, I'd end up with those sorts of stutters.

In the end, I gave up - came off the fence - and threw my lot in with ORBX. ;)



As for possibly competing scenery, in the UK I only have UK2000 EGLL and in Europe various airports from the major developers (but no Orbx stuff for Europe only UK)  In North America I have FSADDON Tongas Fjords and Vancouver3 plus  various FSDT/Flightbeam airports.  And around the world I have Aerosoft scenery for out of the way places not covered by Orbx  eg Antarctica,  Lord How Island etc. Are any of these likely to be the cause of my freezes - seem unlikely.  Futhermore there are areas of New Zealand where I do have "competing" scenery but I don't get the freezes in New Zealand. 


Now these freezes only happen if hybrid or one of the OrbX northern Hemiphere regions are enabled but not in Oceania with or without hybrid so I was hoping this would have given someone a clue as to what might be going on but thanks to all who have chimed in so far.  Now I notice that this thread is flagged as "answered" which isn't really the case just.yet.



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I'm afraid I can't offer anything with respect to Global/hybrid, as I don't have it.


I'm sure you'll have done this already, but what happens if you disable all other 3rd party scenery and leave only ORBX enabled?


Are you getting freezes in areas that don't actually have any "full fat" ORBX scenery (only Global)? Or is it only when you have ORBX regions with some 3rd party?


I'm clutching at straws - but I'm keen to know what the problem is, as it really does sound like my old pauses when FSX was trying to process two (conflicting) airports simultaneously, though only the main one being visible.



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I'm afraid I can't offer anything with respect to Global/hybrid, as I don't have it.


I'm sure you'll have done this already, but what happens if you disable all other 3rd party scenery and leave only ORBX enabled?


Are you getting freezes in areas that don't actually have any "full fat" ORBX scenery (only Global)? Or is it only when you have ORBX regions with some 3rd party?


I'm clutching at straws - but I'm keen to know what the problem is, as it really does sound like my old pauses when FSX was trying to process two (conflicting) airports simultaneously, though only the main one being visible.




If I have hybrid or the North America or Europe Orbx regions enabled I still get the freezes when all non Orbx 3rd party adddon scenery areas are disabled.  I don't seem to get the freezes outside the Orbx North America and Europe regions but within those regions I still get the freezes in areas that don't have "full fat" Orbx scenery eg in eastern United States  well away from the west coast and in Europe well away from the UK.   I thought you may have been onto something the scenery conflict idea but seems it is not the case.


I would be grateful if one of the Orbx support team could help out here as I have run out of ideas.


Thank you



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Thanks for that but I think I have found the solution - UTX,  Disable UTX Europe, USA, Canada and Alaska and the freezes disappear also explains why I never had the problem in Oceania.  Should have twigged to this much sooner but I was under the mistaken impression that I hadn't reinstalled UTX 12 months ago when I put my new system together - I have been overseas for much of 2014 and only recently got back to FSX.  The other thing that threw me off the scent was that I didn't know how to correctly use SceneryConfigurator so when I thought I had disabled UTX I hadn't. Eventually got that sorted and everything fell into place.


Now this brings me to another question is there a way to use UTX and Orbx together without getting these sort of problems?



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I have isolated stuttering to my Orbx full scenery areas; I fly VRS Superbug/TacPack F18 and when I fly in Southern California (NAS Lemoore south) or from NAS Lemoore into Nevada my system runs amazing! When I cross the line into Northern California (around Fresno) I get stuttering, and weird lines or blocks showing up (primarily on my secondary monitor). I have tried flying out of NAS Whidbey Island (north of Seattle) and I have the same problem until I hit open ocean or going east hit the Montana area. 


My add-ons are;


  1. VRS Superbug & TacPack
  2. Orbx Full and Terrain with all Orbx Full Scenery North American Areas
  3. MAIW Add-ons for Western US and Canada Regions
  4. My System is
  • Windows 8.1
  • i7 Six Core Processor
  • Radeon R9280x Graphics Card
  • 2x27" HP Backlit Monitors

Also, I use this computer only for FSX not other programs like Microsoft Office etc are loaded, the only other programs are Plan-G, PDF Reader, and Google Chrome.


I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can send my way as I amazed at the detail Orbx brings to my flying experience.

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