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Question new HDTV used for monitor


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Hi Folks,


Just hooked up a new 32 inch Samsung HDTV monitor and set the resolution to the recommended 1920 x 1080, the only problem is all my desktop icons at that resolution are pushed off the screen, if I turn down the resolution to 1600 x 900 they re-appear. Is there a simple way to get them back on track at 1920x1080, sure I'm missing something simple?




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I use a 40" HDTV as my screen and use the nvidea control panel to resize the desktop and then use the 1920 x 1080 res. for your resized desktop

Depending on your GPU type (nvidea or ATI) you should be able to set it via either control panel.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you, that did it ::)


You should have 'no scaling' set in your nvidia control panel and the resolution set there should match your TV's native resolution (presumably 1920x1080). What you dont' want it to be running your desktop at 1600x900 with the GPU scaling it up to 1920x1080. If you can't see all your icons, you could try selecting 'auto-arrange' to get them back.

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