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FTX Region Norway installation problem


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Bought the norway region yesterday and downloded it from the provided link. I extract the folder with winrar and run the exe file. The wrapper starts and i fill in my order details. It starts the installer and i select version (fsx) and igree to terms and so on. On the page where it shows the installation folder and shortcut etc i press next. I then see that it loads and the window closes in 1 second. It copies no files and nothing more happens. The wrapper says that it has completed processing but it has done nothing. Any suggestions? 

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Which version of fsX are we talking, fsX or fsX SE ?

Where does your main fsX folder reside ?

Which OS are you running ?

Have you disabled User Account Control ?

Have you excluded your main fsX folder from continuous scanning by the Anti Virus program ?

Do you have Administrator rights ?

Did you run the exe by right click and then select "Run as Administrator" ?

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I have ftx base, vecor and open lc from 2013 that i have not updated. Could that have any affect?

Hi Guusten,

According to our database only FTX EU Norway is a registered product, could you please inform us about the purchase details and ordernumbers of the by you mentioned FTX Global base, FTX Vector and FTX OLC EU you claim to have installed.

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I bought my computer used and with fsx installed with some addons, so i dont know anything about the detaljs concerning those products. I havent played much, but when i saw the norway region i wanted to try it because i live in the north. Anyway, do you think those versions could affect the one i bought, the norway region?  

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That maybe all could well be, but alas for you the license for the software is personal and not transferable, read the EULA that comes with your FTX EU Norway addon, ergo you have to acquire the mentioned software via the FlightSimStore or you are in breach of the EULA and de facto are using illegally acquired FTX software on your "computer"

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I totally understand. I removed them from my computer and will consider buying them and other of your sceneries if i can thrust them to be installable. Right now i have payed 35 euro for something that does not work (even when i removed all other ftx products). Do you have any support i can turn to? :)

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Hi there,


FTX Norway needs about 6GB of harddrive space, plus about the same amount during the installation process for the unwrapping, the latter always on your main Windows drive. In fact, that sudden stopping of the installer typically indicates either harddrive space issues or problems with file/folder access.


Cheers, Holger

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