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Vector 1.20 and unhandled exception


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I have reached an impasse with Vector 1.20.


After installing it, the Configuration Toll returns an "Unhandled Exception" error when I attempt to do an auto scan.


I have tried all the remedies suggested in various posts in this forum.  


I have checked for .inactive files


I have made sure that I have Global 1.30 installed and active


I have selected FTX Global in FTX central and applied it before doing anything else after the install.


I installed Vector 1.20 as an administrator and always run it as an administrator.


Without the ability to run the configurator, the program is not usable, so this needs to get fixed.


I would be happy to completely uninstall Vector, and then do a clean reinstall, but since there is no uninstaller included in the package, I will need your help to do this properly.


I quite like your programs and the enhancements they provide, but this problem (and I see from the forums that I am not the only client to encounter it) is maddening.


I look forward to your response.




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