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Some nostalgia for you all

Jay Kae

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Many moons ago, I stumbled into a website called fspassengers.com, there was a single dev, and an empty forum, I bookmarked it because it looked interesting... fast forward 3 years later and we had completed the beta's with myself as the lead beta tester at the time and the voice of my wife as the default flight attendant. As a special thank you Dan sent us this and I found it in my cupboard yesterday while looking for something else so I thought I would share it with you.








To add to the nostalgia I thought back to a video by Jaggyroad a couple of years later and I thought I would share it with you as well.





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Hahaha yes, it is still an ongoing joke, you have no idea how long it took to do those sound files, we were continously on the floor laughing our butts off lol


Thanks John, it's crazy to think it has been 10 years+ since we met too 

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