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How do you contact FTX ORBX for support.


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Hi everyone,

Could someone tell me how I open a support ticket. I've got a post going on regarding missing Autogen buildings and I think support staff should help me. However on the web site it states listing in posts to get help which I have done. Will support staff contact me through my posts or can somebody recommend a way forward.

Merry Xmas to all. Mark

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Hello Mark and welcome to the Orbx Forum,


Its no bother its just the system we use here your on the right path.


Orbx does not use a Ticket support system. Simply by registering and creating a Support Topic in the Payware support forum you can receive support for your purchased products ( on provision of a product order number in your forum signature ) So, you are in the right place for support and I see that you have already added your order numbers. Your support topic will be answered and resolved where possible, please be patient as many of the support staff perform multiple roles, including having life responsibilities outside these forums. 


It might be useful as a newby learning the ropes, to have a read of the last few pages in your Product PDF documents, try page 24 of the ( FTX Global user guide ) as example, there is some useful info about Orbx Product Support and raising a support issue for the Orbx teams assistance, along with possible timeframes to wait for a reply.

Go to your ORBX\User Documents folder or FTXCentral PDF icons to read this invaluable info.

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just double checked his numbers are correct, so no issues there, just wondering where you get your info Jack ?

Anyways, back to topic :)

a few things to think about

Do you have all updates and patches in place for your installed FTX tiltles ? if not get 'm here => https://fullterrain.com/support

make sure you have Admin rights,

make sure the User Account Control is disabled

always install by right-click and select "Run as Administrator"

make sure that any Anti Virus scanner is disabled for continuous scanning the fsX main folder

make sure the AV scanner is disabled when installing FTX Titles

best is to have the main fsX folder on a separate drive and not on the C drive as that get's pretty cluttered over time

keep a tight ship, meaning, files not used in fsX should not be there,

be aware of WHAT you install and keep notes for yourself, this in case of malfunction you can trace back what you did and when

in case of save a copy/image of your fsX folder to a external drive, saves a lot of agony in case of system crash

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