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Strange texture effect


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I am getting some strange effects where odd ground textures are popping in and out around me.

Such a many 'blue lakes' changing into green fields, then urban areas becoming rural ones and bits of highways appearing in the middle of the countryside!

I have followed the general solution offered by Holger Sandmann at http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/79004-resolving-rapid-ground-texture-morphing/, but that hasn't made any change.


I am just running with Global, Vector and open LC Europe and one airport installed on FSX.


I get the following visual effects - taken in sequence over less than a minute.






Can anyone offer some thoughts?




Whoops I cheated with the photo links - sorry!

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Hi Nigel,


that looks like you might have some other add-on with a landclass layer active above the FTX Norway entries in the scenery library menu, which can cause incorrect texture assignments. Please check that the openLC entries are correctly positioned as per http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/81831-setting-your-openlc-entries/


Cheers, Holger

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But I don't have FTX Norway?!

I just have the three I listed and one airfield Shoreham (EGKA) (all ORBX).



I had all installed previously on the SSD (boot drive) and working reasonably, but was running out of space.

So I removed all the scenery and moved FSX from the SSD to the secondary hard disk drive, then reinstalled the scenery.

All appeared to be going OK, though had a brief problem with (free) FSUPIC, of FSX crashing, and reinstalled FSUIPC.

Now it is crash free, but have this problem.


Can you offer any other thoughts?

Thanks again


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Do you have any suggestions to offer on this as I am completely stuck.

Obviously I can't fly with the scenery doing these strange things.

The only alternate that I can do, is uninstall everything inc' FSX and reinstall it again (but this will be the third time in as many months!) and hope the problem goes away.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy New Year. I am now back after a long break to try and sort out my problem.
It is disappointing to note in the pdf that it seems the Orbx OpenLC doesn't sit well with other Orbx scenery! I would have thought it would be automatically handled at install.

Anyway, looking my Scenery library
(note. I only have Orbx scenery installed)
I am a bit confused as to how my library relates to the suggestion in the pdf.

All the Orbx OpenLC entries, regions and libs are at the top i.e., 1-18
Then the default named FSX entries 19-40, tho' Addon Scenery is at 24
Then the Orbx Vector entries 41-44 (see below)
Then the numbered FSX entries 45-140
At 141 is ORBX!VECTOR_AEC all on it's own!
Then Default Scenery and Default Terrain at 142 and 143.

It seems to be a real mess!
But I don't quite see how it should look. Being that the instructions only show the part of the Library starting at 132. Which of my other entries should be above that?

Can you give me any more tips or must I just try to fathom the instructions?

I would be grateful for any advice

P.S. I saw there is an update to Europe OpenLC and applied that (and the new libraries) incase that changed the situation, but it hasn't!

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  • 2 weeks later...


It must seem that I am incredilbly dim!

But I am still a bit confused.

You mention OLC (Orbx OpenLC?) should be below FTX (Orbx FTX?) and Orbx Vector and Orbx FS Global below that. But I'm not sure where the default FSX scenery should sit in releation to all that.

Also in the PDF that you referred me to earlier it requires me to group some scenery together (Addon Scenery) so it can be dealt with as a group in FTX Central.

But is that still required?

I am begining to wonder if it wouldn't be easier and simpler if I just uninstalled everything Orbx and FSX and reinstalled it. Or would I likely have this same problem again?

As I said I have essentially just done that and it seemed to go bad right after adding open LC Europe

I only have the FSX default scenery and Orbx components and a couple of add-on aircraft.



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Now I am feeling very stupid - and I am supposed to be a computer engineer!!!!


I assume OLC is all the Orbx OpenLC entries, but not the regions and libs?

I tried to move the first of those to the very bottom, below the last of the FTX entries ORBX!VECTOR_AEC (which is 3rd from the bottom), but I couldn't get it below Default Terrain in the FSX settings. So I gave that up.

I did look at the FTX Central tool, but that says it will insert what I choose ABOVE the position I select. But as you said I should be moving the Orbx OpenLC entries BELOW a point. FTX Central doesn't seem the tool to use for this.

If you have the patience and the time, can you try once more to tell me what you think I need to do?

The order of things has at least remained the same as I listed above, if that made any sense.



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I haven't seen anything back from so I guess you are too busy.

I will therefore have to uninstall everything and re-install it again hoping that next time, as the guide says, "FTX Products all contain special coding and files to make sure they are always where they need to be in
your Flight simulator scenery list."!

This is basically what I have done before, but you say it has gone in the wrong order and is causing my scenery problems.



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I think I have done it and flying the area I did before shows no strange texture effects that I described.

The pointer in FTX Central was by default pointing to the right place so all I had to do was apply it and save.

I have added two screenshots, if you would look at and confirm this is what you intended me to do?






I think there are two other effects which seemed to have appeared with me adding the LC Europe product.

Runway numerals and arrows resolve at only about 20 ft, whereas the other runway markings are clearly visible at distance - at Orbx Shoreham (EGKA).

Also I see large patches of trees jumping in right below me or becoming more dense, at around 1500ft.


Thanks for your help



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