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FTX EGPB Sumburgh Airport


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I landed at EGPB,  However, I could not get taxi instructions to any gate or parking only for takeoff.  On examining the AFCAD-ADE file I noticed that all the parking radii are set to like 2m.  Is it ok to use ADE to increase this to what I require for my J41/DH8D etc?





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Consider closed, covered in other topic re sloping runway.


I have similar problem and did not find that other topic. Plz, help me with the issue or to find that topic ( and the solution).


BTW, this scenery is really amazing!!

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Hi Kiki


The problem occurs if you have enabled the sloping runway option for EGPB.  When this is enabled it basically hides the underlying scenery and results in no taxiways or parking areas being visible either to addon programmes or even the FSX ATC. If you disable this option then the scenery reverts back to normal and everything becomes visible again to FSX ATC and addon programmes.



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Hi - I assume this is the same reason ATC tower sent me direct to ground as soon as my wheels hit the runway - it thought I was off the runway, therefore "time to hand off to ground".


I also assume that using sloped runways precludes AI traffic (no runway to land on) - sort of like PAKT's situation with the runway atop a big hill - no AI parking - although with PAKT, an AI plane can land, it just disappears at the end of the runway.


Anyway, the sloping runway is too cool not to use - plus the aircraft parking chart included in the EGPB manual clearly shows the places to park.  :)

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I still had my AI aircraft land but as soon as it did, it simply disappeared, probably because when you land the normal aircraft you get handed off to ground ATC as soon as the wheels touch,  My AI would then refresh at one of the parking gates, buried up to the landing gear wheel wells.


it's a neat feature but I have switched it off.

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I think the AI is dissapearing because there are no parking spaces available (not any the AI can "see" at least) this is normal behaviour within the sim, you will see it happen at airports with insufficient parking, the AI lands, and then vanishes part way down the runway.

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