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ORBX Developer?


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I want to know something:


Can everybody become FTX Dev.? or you are already a Team?

(Because, I know that a FTX Dev. joined you, He started a scenery project, Juneau, and now he is here (and his scenery too))


If yes, How to Become a FTX Developer?


Thanks in Advance :)


Sorry for my bad English, and Mods, feel free to move this topic ;)


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Hi Marc,


yes, that would be me though I wasn't the one who came up with the term "Holgermesh". In any case it's not rocket science ... it's much harder  :ph34r:


Actually, what you need is the following:


1. Add one set of fairy wings.

2. Heat until the potion turns turquoise.

3. Add one measure of doxy eggs.

4. Heat until the potion turns pink.

5. Add the toasted dragonfly thoraxes until the potion turns red.

6. Heat until the potion turns blue.

7. Add toasted dragonfly thoraxes until the potion turns silver.

8. Heat the potion until it turns red.

9. Add three measures of doxy eggs.

10. Add some dragonfly thoraxes.

11. Heat the potion until it turns blue.

12. Add three flying seahorses.

13. Heat until the potion turns green.



Sorry about goofing off but the perhaps obvious answer is that what is required is knowledge of the tools, the source data, and the required method for processing. The FSX/P3D Software Development Kits are a good place to start as well as the many tutorials and discussions available on FSDeveloper. It may all seem overwhelming at first but the key is to take baby steps, be patient, and to gradually improve your skill set. Ambition is great but if you aim too high at the start you're bound to get frustrated and burn out.


Cheers, Holger


P.S.: another great resource to get an idea of what is involved in a scenery project and how developers learn and progress are the AirDailyX podcast interviews, for example this one with our own Misha: ;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjFnl_H68Dw&list=UUpf2ndVnFrsDisLAjQ9ebTQ
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hi marc,

 you asked how to obtain fairy wings.

 heres the route,  take the n1 to cayenne,then the n2 to auberge de l!approuague , follow the river to the village of saut athanase, ( be careful of the river rapids), then to inselberg nouragues where you will find them in a cave on the mountain. or look on google earth @ iselberg nouragues  click on icon  & look @ picture 5. you will see one hanging out to dry.

  good luck with your developing of scenery.


 ps . 

  the hardest things to find are the doxy eggs, because you have to get a dodo bird to lay them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,


I want to know other things :/


Does I need to do scenery myself (alone) or I can work with others orbx developers (it a way to learn more too)

and does I need to move to a real airport and make pictures? (for buildings, ground photoreal, etc) or find on web?


Thanks a LOT :)


Cheers, Marc

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Hi Marc:

The ORBX devs are usually quite busy with their own projects AND private lives and work. I would turn to the OZx development forum for questions and help and a lot of self study. Photoreal - for the freeware you could take a chance with various satellite providers. For a payware you would have to pay for a license (one of the reasons that it IS a payware, even though people moan and groan about the cost of the $30! :) to use the aerial photos) Other than that - you go to the airport, ask politely somewhere at the admin building and in most cases they'll let you in to take your pictures. You'll need a LOT of them - typically 800+ or so...

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Generally Orbx only adds developers to its team who have already proven themselves by developing freeware or payware scenery before approaching Orbx. Even in that instance we vet the work previously done to see if they have a fit with the level of competency that we expect.


The best way to earn a spot on the Orbx team is to self-teach yourself the techniques of FS scenery design and as has been pointed out, fsdeveloper.com and aussiex.org are two good places to start.


Good luck with your journey!

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