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NA Global Airport Packs w/Different File Names


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I did a quick look in this forum and didn't see this, so thought I'd mention it.


I just downloaded all 19 NA Global airport packs using the "My FTX" link when you mouse click on the packs.  The naming convention for two of the packs is different than the other 17.  Packs 8 and 9 are named (at the end of the filename) as "...packs8" and "...packs9".  They both have the letter "S" after "pack", whereas the other 17 files use "...pack1, pack7, pack13" etc.


This may not seem like a biggie, but while installing them all I noticed that many of the packs UPDATE previous airports from previous packs.  So they need to be installed in the numbered sequential order of the packs.


The problem is they won't be listed in numerical sequence in something like Windows Explorer.  Packs 8 and 9 will be at the bottom of the file list, under pack19, because of the extra "S" after "pack" before the pack "number".  If a new user of FTX doesn't realize it, they could install the packs in an incorrect order by just starting at the top of the list, and some of their airports may have "bugs" in them then because updates to previous airports might not take place in the correct order.


Might want to go change the filenames of packs 8 and 9 to agree with the other 17.

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Agree it's just a typo in the filename.  And when I said "updates" an airport, I should have said "replaced a previous airport with a newer version that may have been fixed".  So if someone installed a "fixed" airport in say file #12, then installed the same airport using file # 8 or 9, they would end up with the "old" airport version instead.  

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