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Big night for updates


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I've had my sim computer down for about a month and last night decided to catch up on updates.  The new nVidia driver that offers the higher res feature, Vector 1.2 and P3Dv2.4.  

All 3 offer a benefit but the idea there might be something that could go wrong has had me hold off on installing them.  Dont fix something that is not broke right?


All went well and I am happy with the results.  The only thing is Vector.  I use it mainly for the better shorelines and have all the checkboxes turned off.  Mainly for the fact that when it was released, there were reports of performance hits when items were selected.

Anyone care to share if that has changed or any know features that do have a hit or dont? 

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Yes your system is way ahead of mine but I have no problems with global vector and just about every ORBX scenery available. I don't fly the powerful PMDG a/c because that would put me into some unreasonable frame rates but do have many careanado a/c and usually don't have a problem.

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