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Stewart and Bella Coola issue


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Hi everyone,


I seem to encounter some problems with both those airports, which I had never seen before. I have FTX Global 1.3 and Vector installed. As you can see from the pics, in Stewart the airport buildings have disappeared and in Bella Coola the tarmac is constantly flickering.


I had the same issue with disappearing buildings the other day in Tipella. I re-installed Tipella, re-installed after that the latest libraries and the issue was gone. That did not work unfortunately with Stewart and Bella Coola, where I have also first re-installed both airports before re-installing the latest libraries (14-09-27). 


Any help is greatly appreciated







Bella Coola:




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As in Rockliffe's case with the Aussie textures - try deactivating Vector. I had quite some problems with 1.20 where it placed and removed things by itself. (did not get around to testing 1.30 yet)... Why dedicated airport buildings should dissappear is beyond me, but the textures at Bella Coola may be affected.


And if the same problems remain after deactivating it then you will at least know that that is not the cause ;)





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Thanks Mallard for the time to try to help me, it's very much appreciated. I did what you suggested, but unfortunately no cigar  :-[  As you said, at least I know now, that Vector is not at fault.


Then I checked, whether my Ati card drivers were up-to-date (they were) and whether I had all the necessary ORBX patches installed (I had). I then uninstalled Stewart and Bella Coola and re-installed Stewart without its patch. And voila, Stewart is back in its full glory. Why? I have not the foggiest  8)


I also tried to re-install Bella Coola (which doesn't have any patch yet). But the flickering was back again, so I uninstalled it and will live without it. At least I have Stewart back. Better than nothing for a late Sunday afternoon

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OK - good to see that it was not Vector (in whatever version - I think I got my numbers mixed up in my reply)... Hmmm. flickering tarmac would indicate that the base layer is coming through, wouldn't it? But that should not affect the buildings... I take it you see the effect from the cockpit as well as the external views you're showing in the screenshots?






PS - two more things: you DID have both airports up and running without problems? And you don't have PFJ?

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Thanks Mallard for your speedy response. Yes, I could see the flickering on the runway and the buildings of Bella Coola already on short final from the flight deck and from outside the plane. Both airports were ok, when I last visited them, which was quite some time ago, before I installed FTX Global. But at this moment I have no intention to uninstall Global, as Stewart is working fine again. I have Vector 1.2 and Global 1.3


Sorry, it have forgotten to put all sceneries in my signature. Except for England I have all ORBX sceneries, including Pacific Fjords 

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Hi Bernd,


Sorry to hear about your issues there with Bella Coola and Stewart, just did a quick check here and all works fine at my end with all the latest versions of Global and Vector, something must have blocked or wiped out your specific files


Did you make sure that when you installed the latest updates for Global and Vector that you had set FTX Central to Global mode with Hybrid mode unticked ? as that's the only thing I can think of directly as to the cause for this, also did you run the Vector AEC with FTX Central set to NA ?

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Hi Mallard and Wolter,


everything is honkydoory again. For some strange reason I had Hybrid mode ticked, when doing the latest upgrades. I unticked it, did all the upgrades again, re-installed Bella Coola, after that again the latest library files and now it looks like it is supposed to do. 


Thanks to both of you for your time and help.






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