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FSX crashing over north San Francisco


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Please help, after flawless flights using NCA Gold and PNW regions in either Hybrid mode or NA region modes, my PMDG flights crash after takeoff in San Francisco heading north to Seattle. I flew this morning in Juneau and Anchorage, Alaska,  using nothing but Global base and there were no issues at all in the same airplane. There is something going on in these regions that are causing my FSX to crash. Please help.

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I'm sorry Sir I skipped that my bad, there they are.


I began by installing FTX Global Base, and Global vector and flew with that alone for a while......no problems whatsoever.


Then I installed PNW, NCA Gold and CRM Gold, flew OK for a while and all of a sudden yesterday my flights began crashing as soon as I entered NCA Gold airspace.


Even this morning I flew with no problems between Seattle to Juneau to Anchorage and back with no problems whatsoever.


Then from KSEA to KSFO again crash when NCA Gold airspace entered.


Then just now I was able to fly from KLAX and head north and again crashed entering NCA airspace.


I am tempted to uninstall NCA Gold and install again.

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Did you have a look at the support page and downloaded all relevant patches and updates for your installed FTX titles ?


in case of they can be found here => https://fullterrain.com/support


Also not unimportant ALWAYS install the latest library files after instaling a FTX Title

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The zipped downloaded files--for example for PNW--are of a date later than patch release, and also contained the .pdf files for those patches, so I assumed the patches were included in the .exe which is also dated March 2014. Do I still need to install the patches separately ? And the library files no I had not updated them yet I will do that today.

Thank you for getting back to me.

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No change after the newer libraries, FSX still crashes entering NCA airspace. No problems in PNW Region or further north using only Global Base and vector.


At this point, I uninstalled FTX NCA Gold using the steps in another thread.


Then I went back and flew with only Global Base and Vector--no problem.


I then ran the .exe file again for NCA Gold using the same unzipped files as before.


No luck, back to same crash again.


I think I will try downloading again and reinstalling again, with newly downloaded files. Oh and I also installed the SP1 for NCA and no luck also.


Right now I am back to only Global base in this region, glad to be able to fly without FSX crashing, but unable to enjoy NCA Gold, which really fries my cheese.


Please I need help.

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A lot of crashes in NA over the years appear to be related to traffic issues, duplicate AFCADS, rogue AI aircraft and the like.  Some old reports even suggested that duplicate scenery entries and objects were causing problems.  


You don't have or have never had any other traffic or scenery installed that might impact this region?  Have you tried one of the default FSX aircraft for the same flight path?


Try unticking all the other ORBX entries in the Scenery Library (plus any other NA scenery you have installed) leaving only NCA.  If you still get the crashes try moving each of the four FTX_NA_NCA folders out of the FSX folder entirely, one by one (ie cut and paste to the desktop from where they can be returned).  Each will cause a loss of scenery of course but it might give a clue as to the reason for the crashing.


I regularly fly north from SFO in many directions and have never had a problem.  Good luck!

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Hello John, my whole system is brand new I7 4790k overclocked and latest EVGA GTX 780ti GPU. NCA four folders are out of FSX Orbx folder and I am abe to complete flights in the whole area using FTX Global in Hybrid mode.

Went from default FSX directly to Global base and Vector. No issues.

Then went to PNW and NCA, with only NCA being problematic.

The only other addon that I have installed is REX 4, but according to what I have read there is full compatability.

At this point I will re-downlad NCA zip and unwrap and install again, in case the files were corrupted. If that does not work I will uncheck as per your recommendations and come back.

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After a clean reinstall the problem persists with the PMDG 737ngx, so I decided as per advice to take one of FSX standard Baron 58 out for a cruise at 12000 ft over Red Bluff from KSFO (where the crashes ocurr) and out over Mt Shasta and Crater Lake (SP1 installed for NCA). The Baron has been flying flawlessly over the whole area for over three hours now. I also took the default ultralight for a two hour ride over the whole Bay Area, and no problems.

Why can I only use FTX GLOBAL and VECTOR to be able to fly the PMDG 737 over Northern California without crashing ?

I am beginning to suspect of an OOM problem please tell me how I canfix this. My system is state of the Art.

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I made a midair switch of airplanes from the Baron 58 to the PMDG and returned to KSFO via the Goldn6 arrival transition Red Bluff in the area where the crashes ocurr, no problem, landed OK.

Then took off again towards Red Bluff and app crash again.

Since FSUIPC seems to be a cure for these crashes with this type off .dll error, I downloaded and installed it.

I am all the way out to Mt Shasta--well beyond the app crash point--at FL 380 with no problems thus far with the 737 ngx.

FSUIPC may have done it for me

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Hi All,

Same here. As I was flying along Norcal and Rockies, I changed from FTX Global Hybrid to FTX NAmerica, and soon the problems started to happen. I'm used to fly PMDG 737 and 777 using Global Hybrid. Taking off the 737 from KOAK to KJAC (Jackson Hole), the crash came just passing by Sacramento, three times in a row. Before the fourth try, I switched back to Global Hybrid and could arrive to KJAC without any problem.

Well, even before this flight, I was observing that, after changing to FTX NA, I was receiving memory alert rings (I use the FSUIPC low memory alert) when landing at KPDX, KSJC and KOAK with the PMDG 737, when this used to happen only with the 777 when landing at 3rd party big airports. And, if I try to fly the PMDG 777 using FSX traffic at 25% to 30%, I never reach the destination, even in Global Hybrid.

There is really something weird with FTX NA North of SFO Bay area, and if I find any clue I will post here.


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Years ago one of the early smart GPS aircraft had the same problem, and it turned out to be a conflict in one ofd the databases, I think the PMDG plane might have its own database of airfields (might be wrong) which if so i would suspect isn't lining up with the ORBX data... don't know enough about the programming of either though.


Perhaps there's a way of turning off the AFCADS in the ORBX scenery or disabling the FDE or GPS in the non-default aircraft to see if that helps?


Devs and other knowledgeable types will hopefully chip in with some more info now.

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The problem here is clearly OOM, with warnings et al. I remember the crashes you mention and they were well defined conflicts between scenery elements, as AFCAD duplication. IMHO, OOM crashes add heavy demands on aircraft and scenery, for instance, PMDG B777 + 3rd party airports is a well documented OOM case. Maybe FTX NA + Orbx Norcal + PMDG is a memory eater of some kind.



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