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I would name it "HardDoc" instead.  It's somewhat confusing and the manual doesn't spell it out very well, but it has some nice features.  I just made it too complicated at 1st and had to cut back on some cameras I created because they would crash what I already thought was working well ... but it's probably all in learning.  This was long in the tooth but I have another life too ... and need to give it a break.  


But I need critique, tips and guidance.  1st I don't like the "ka-think" sound when switching cameras.  I have the Zoom all set to .45 in the cockpit so that should be good.  Next is glitches in the sound ... sometimes it just leaves a milisecond gap.  Maybe it's just the nature, I don't know  ... 3rd ....  I can only get to the default FSX "Spot" view from the pilot's camera.  Anyplace else and I go somewhere unexpected.  This may just be learning about what goes on under the hood ...  but I haven't seen it in the YouTube videos yet.  But I can live with all the above.  To me it was worth the $35.



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For getting to spot view quickly, I set up a button on the joystick for the pilot's VC view. So one button and then the keystroke to get the spot view. The VC view acts as my home view in any event. EZDok to me is an essential video makers' tool along with FS-Recorder.

Great looking views over KJAC!

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Hi jlindblo,


Well done, I must say your videos are coming along in leaps and bounds, smoothness and clarity are much improved. I don't use EZDok so can't give any pointers about that, other than to say in the documentation is there any reference to "Smooth Panning" this might be a way of transitioning between each view change in VC.  


Those dudes at the controls look very serious individuals, or they may have had a difference of opinion LOL

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Thanks guys ....  and I am working on the joystick (Logitech Extreme 3D Pro).  If I am at the pilot view and then hold the joystick trigger and hit the keyboard "S" key I go right into the original FSX Spot View where I can change at will the view with the hat switch (as long as I hold the trigger) ...  but if I'm in any other ExDok view and try the same thing ... I go to never never land and not consistent.  It will come with time ... and frustrations I think.   It seems to depend on the sequence of "Next Camera" as far as the audio bug inconsistencies.  This is the only plane I set up so far so as I go along it should improve (should) as I start to work with other planes ...  great fun though anyway ... I agree Rob ....  an essential tool.  And Jeff ... EzDok YouTubes indicate that the zoom level should be consistent inside .. which it is.  I think distance to the next view probably has some relationship to the smoothness too.  "Difference of opinion" is a good observation ...    :lol:

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Hi jlindblo,


Thanks guys ....  and I am working on the joystick (Logitech Extreme 3D Pro).  If I am at the pilot view and then hold the joystick trigger and hit the keyboard "S" key I go right into the original FSX Spot View where I can change at will the view with the hat switch (as long as I hold the trigger) ...  but if I'm in any other ExDok view and try the same thing ... I go to never never land and not consistent.



When you say I go to never never do you mean the view goes to some far distant place and the terrain becomes low res. If so have you read this topic about removing certain views from the lineup when hitting the "S" Key and No2 button on your Extreme 3D Pro.



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Good vid!


EZDOK has been a love hate relationship for sure! 


Camera click can be shut off from Options  on your main EZ panel then General settings...two thirds of the way down you'll see


two green buttons that are after CC (camera click) and MMC...turn them off!


Tons of tutorials by this gentleman... wyldbluyondr on YouTube!


And you should be able to find a ton of cameras already set up for most aircraft in the form of .ecs files.


Here is one for the plane in your vid...https://www.dropbox.com/s/06uqz6o2ycapu5p/C337.ecs?dl=0 to get you started. The .ecs files are located


in your EZCA  Camera Sets folder...just drop in any .ecs files and load them via EZDOK main panel in your sim under File. 


Left click on File and you'll see two options at the top of the dropdown box...Save Camera Set (great for modifying or creating cameras) then Load Camera Set.


Hope this helps...

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Great help and support,  guys .... I really appreciate.


Jeff ..... GREAT tip on removing the Tower and unwanted Views.  I went in right away and disabled the views that I don't want popping up unexpectedly.  Nice info to know about.


My description of "never never land" is that I end up in a View that kicks me out of EzDok and into a semi-default FSX setting, but even that is very limited. And there is no way I can get back to Ezdok cameras in this mode ... I am locked out of EzDok.  And the only way to get back to "normal EzDok" is to exit FSX and reload EZCA Config.exe, and then restart FSX.  I find my self in this situation by the following method ... I am in "Pilot" view in Virtual cockpit and I want to go to default "Spot" and move around with the hat switch.  I hold the joystick trigger in and hit the keybutton "S"  (Next Category) and I am there.  I move my outside view where I want to be and then want to return to the pilot view.  IF ... that is IF I accidently let up on the trigger and then use any joystick or keyboard button to return I go into this "limited" mode. I can't get out, I can't look around and I have lost control of all the cameras.  I have to start over.  I am still in the Virtual cockpit category.   In my own configuration that I created I cannot move to the next Category by any of the switches I've assigned ...  Joystick Btn 9 or the default setting "S".   I am locked into the Virtual cockpit column. Now I CAN get to the "Aircraft" column (category) if I assign a keyboard button to the 1st item, and then I can walk down through the cameras with the joystick thumb (button 2).  So something is preventing me from moving to each succeeding column.  Oh well ... I guess it's all in learning.  The url RockStarofRust sent may give me some new insights, so thank you very much RSofR ...  I loaded the ecs file and guess what ... it ALL WORKS !!!! And I can use this as a template too to add a couple of front side windows.  This is great ... having that pre-configured file.  Is there a database somewhere for those camera configurations???  Oh yes .... and turn the "click" off worked well too.  Adding to that I also had User Sounds clicked on in FSX ....  which must have been something I did years ago.  Dohhh.   And I'm reviewing the YouTube videos now.    Again, both of you,  I appreciate your help ... and I'm off to school.   :smile:  :smile:

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Hi jlindblo,


Just as a 'possible' work-around for the above situation, and so that you don't have to restart FSX and EZDok, you could you try reloading the aircraft.


Try this:

Go into your FSX >Settings >Controls >Buttons and Keys TAB >All Events - list >find - Aircraft Reload) and highlight with left mouse 1 click > 1 click - New Assignment button > then assign a key combination to  that event > I use  ' CTRL+SHIFT+R ' - apply this combination Keys to the event "OK" back to main panel then try a test, if the view locks as it has before, press CTRL+SHIFT+R  the aircraft will reset and hopefully rectify the camera view lockup.

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Wonderful!!  That works perfectly Jeff .... thank you.  Another question .... In EzDok under what conditions would I use the "import cameras" and "export cameras"?    I understand the "save" and "load"  it seems that import and load would be the same?  I must be missing something? 

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Good to hear the Key-combo Aircraft reload went well for you, but I am not experienced with EZDok in any way, and will have to, defer the answer of that Question to 'RockStarofRust' or someone else with first hand experience.


But having a wild guess or drawing a long bow : I might say "Import Cameras" would locate a special profile of camera setups you have saved elsewhere, or have been prepared by a fellow simmer to share, for you to Import into EZDok.

And "Export Cameras" might be the means by which you save/package that profile to share with a friend or a community of EZDok enthusiasts, they can then use the "Import Cameras" within the EZDok Program to setup the new profile.

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I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination. I have been doing this a long time...even a broken clock is right twice a day!


Import/Export Cameras refers to a specific interior or exterior camera with all it's setup parameters (position, zoom, effects etc.) and is saved under a different file extension, .cam


Say you set up your favorite plane but you want that one cinematic camera with a different effect and you can't set the movement just so, chances are someone has just the camera


with all the bells and whistles your looking for. Import that .cam camera into any slot, exterior or interior, and voila, you have saved tons of time! Any time you make an adjustment to one or more cameras in a set or add a camera, then you would save that set! You almost need a degree in physics


to figure out the advanced movement engine to make that cinematic camera! If you want to tweak said camera, then when your done you can export it (save).


You can also save and load camera effects only with the file extension, .vib 


Camera Set = file extention .ecs and is a whole bunch of specific cameras .cam 


There are data bases out there containing .cam profiles for a ton of planes but I'm way too lazy to go find them :D Not really, I'll see what I can come up with!


Tips: Zoom should always be consistent, eg. .70 interior and 1.00 exterior, (to taste)! This avoids jumping or hickuping movement! When your ready to fly turn off Num Lock on your keypad, this avoids flashing between cameras!

To assign keys or buttons double click until the box turns red then enter assignment! This is true for all assignments in all menues?

All default FSX pan views, next and previous categories etc. assignments should be eliminated via FSX/Controls/All Views and reassigned via EZ menues!

Done correctly, you should have all the default FSX views and all your custom EZ views!


Happy skies!



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Oh Wow,  that's great RockStarofRust .....   another "tips" page to add to my manual!   :D  You're right .... I may need that physics degree after all, but I can see more possibilities.  You said turn off "Num Lock" before you fly to avoid flashing ....  would that mean flashing at the keyboard, or flashing in Windows as the views change.  Specifically would this have to be before flight ... or anytime while in flight?


Thanks again for taking the time to put those tips into words ....



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   Thanks for the tip, that's a good point.  You wouldn't get on the floot to look at the gages and it's not that hard to fix with EzDok.  My 1st attempts were with camera views that were copied in from a demo using that view.  As I fly more I know I will keep making adjustments to make it more normal ... but initially .... it's overwhelming and frustrating as you get flipped into "World" views which screws up the entire flight.  I appreciate your pointing that out.   :smile:

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Oh Wow,  that's great RockStarofRust .....   another "tips" page to add to my manual!   :D  You're right .... I may need that physics degree after all, but I can see more possibilities.  You said turn off "Num Lock" before you fly to avoid flashing ....  would that mean flashing at the keyboard, or flashing in Windows as the views change.  Specifically would this have to be before flight ... or anytime while in flight?


Thanks again for taking the time to put those tips into words ....



Hey Jim, that would be to avoid flashing in Windows when changing views and can be done anytime. 


Another tip for the keyboard number pad is to get rid of all default FSX  assignments so they do not conflict with your EZ number pad assignments! Personally I keep


the differential breaks for certain tail draggers!


An easy way to see what is assigned to a key or joystick button is in FSX/Controls/All Views pick a line that has NO key or button assignments, choose Add New Key/Joystick

Assignment and a window will pop up telling you the key/button is clear to use...OR...what that key/button is assigned to! Saves a lot of time scrolling and maybe missing something!

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  Ahh ......  now I understand about the Num Lock.   Yeah .... I like the differential brakes too ...  sometimes when I forget to unlock the tailwheel that will help me get off the runway!   And yes, I am finding I should have just gone ahead and removed ALL Num Keypad assignments 1st which would have made it easier than finding out in the middle of a flight.


  I have not yet checked with the other 2 games that I like to play to see if I have to redo any assignments.  Both "Wild Metal Country" and "Descent Rebirth" use the keyboard/joystick combo pretty heavily.  The old 1st Descent was ported to Win7 which is really smooth.  A Starship flying 1st person shooter .. the grandkids love it ... and me too .... no heads severed, no assinations, no blood.   ::)  Wildmetal Country (strange name) is a tanks 1st person shooter ... another grandkids game.

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