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V-Australia's inflight safet video


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Very cool. Some prudes will complain that they are making fun of safety, but they are just trying to get your attention. And even if they can get half the message accross to the inattentive people that will make a difference if things go wrong.

One of the reasons flying is safer is that the knowledge of how to survive and escape an crash aircraft has improved markedly. Re  the recent Turkish Crash or the Hudson Crash, and also the Air France 340. Everyone knew what to do, the Cabin crews are much more effective and well trained, and the aircraft have better design features.

The Emirates video always make me laugh when the heroic Shiek guy looking like Lorrance of Arabia,  standing at the exit about to jump down the escape slide.

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Pretty cool safety video. I think it's a good idea, as it actually shows what ALL of the details of things like donning oxygen masks or life vests are, as opposed to just simulating the acts, as real life crew members do. Also, like said above by others, it seems to keep attention better, and is in keeping with the times regarding the use of technology.

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I especially liked the bit about putting down your magazine and pay attention. For one thing its rude and ever since I did a  HUET course I have always paid attention to all safety briefings. Its always good to go through them.

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This just clearly illustrates exceptional differentiation that all the Branson brands exhibit.

A good example, I go to Fitness First gym and everyone except the personal trainers strut about in suits. Eh... managers in suits in a gym? Every single one of their customers are in sweat pants, runners and bathed in sweat? Big disconnect...

I checked out the new 'Virgin Active' gym next to our office, I met with the GM as I was negotiating a corporate price for our company... he was in branded sweat pants and runners.  ;D

Everyone was bubbly and really welcoming...... which is a departure from the austere 'suedo' corporate environment FF is trying to portray.

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  • 2 weeks later...

that an interesting take on safety vids! got my attention :P;)

Is there a way to just extract the sound only??

I would like to get the sound an copy it into FSpax to rid my planes from dribble u get by default.. lol

you just need to download the vid (there are plenty of sites just google download youtube vids)

than go to media-convert.com or something similar (or if you have software that will convert .flv to .wma)

convert the .flv file (is what the youtube vid will save as) to a .wma (pretty sure this is what fspax uses??)

that should do it ;)

hope tat wasnt to confusing :P if it was i could do it for you and pm the file?


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