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Landclass Anomaly North of KYUM?

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Hey guys,


I apologize if this has been posted before (I didn't quite find the answer in the search though perhaps I looked under the wrong key words), but I have found some interesting areas north of Yuma AZ.








I know that a previous patch addressed some of the green desert issues of the original FTX Global release.  So, what I'm trying to figure out is if this is a limitation of the default FSX landclass, or is it a missapplied patch, anomaly, etc.


In general, there seems to be some abrupt lanclass switching from Yuma proper to the desert, like this area out by Yuma Proving Ground.





It's not so much that there is vegation in Yuma (there is).  But it seems that the richness of the tile is more in keeping with the PNW than low desert, for which I think there exists an FTX tile that would seem more appropriate.


Also, though this might be a Vector issue, the coastlines around the Colorado appear very dark.  Perhaps just a feature of the Vector algorithm?




Anyway, thanks for the help.



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Hi Deacon,


in regards to those straight-edged forested areas those are probably protected areas included in default FSX as landclass polygons and incorrectly classified as urban parks. There's a similar issue in the Phoenix area; see  http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/62886-forest-in-phoenix-az-area/?p=574464


Global "only" replaces the default textures so issues regarding the placement of ground textures need to be dealt with by landclass add-ons like the upcoming openLC series.


Shoreline textures are tricky to make look correct in different locations and climate regions across the globe. In our region products we often manually adjust the width and content of these textures according to local conditions but that's beyond the scope of a global add-on like Vector. 


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks Holger!


I was wondering about something like that...just a FSX weird landclass holdover.


I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't a file that hadn't installed properly or some such thing.  I know that Megascenery could have the occasional file copy failure that would put a 20,000ft spike in the middle of upstate New York for instance and just required a reload of that particular file.


I'm not too troubled about the issue and am overwhelmingly overjoyed by the improvement that FTX has brought to FSX.  I just wanted to check out if there was a solution.


Thanks again,



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Hey Holger, 


Just an update with something that may prove helpful.


Something made me wonder if the forest in the desert above had something to do with the parks option in FTX Vector.  I unchecked Parks from the config program and Voila (sorry, too lazy to dig up the accent for the "a").


So, this is a Vector "feature", "issue", "consideration", what have you.  You may want to move this to the FTX Vector section for proper identification.





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