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sak and tongas fjords


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I did a fresh download of Tongas Fjords and it came with the new triple installer so I could put it into my P3D program. I have two questions.
1. Should I have the Central selected to North America or FTX Global when flying in this area? (my Cental Default changed to FTX Global when I installed the free Iceland scenery)
2. There is a large tree and house in the way right at the threshold of runway 19 at CYQH, Telegraph Creek. Is there a way to remove them? Also, some of the houses seem to be hanging over a cliff at the left side of runway 19..
I am not sure if these problems come with my South East Alaska Orbx, or with the Tongas Fjords, or if they were in the default P3D scenery, as now they show up no mater which scenery I select to run, and I never went there before I installed the Tongas Fjord scenery.





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Hi Howard,


I'm confused! Tongass Fjords X is distributed by FSAddon and doesn't have any triple installer but rather requires manual installation into P3D. Are you perhaps referring to Pacific Fjords, which is our product and covers a different area? Either way your screenshots show default textures at Telegraph Creek so you don't have Tongass installed.


Cheers, Holger

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Sorry, Holger, my bad. There is no triple installer with the download. When I clicked on the installer it showed the target as my P3D program, but apparently didn't install properly. I did another download and install this morning, but this time I used my Estonia Migration Tool to install it and now I have a completely different look to CBM5 as shown in the attached screenies, so I assume that it has installed properly. The only thing is I can not find where the documents have gone. Can't find them anywhere.

Thanks for your help.




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