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FTX Central stuck loading after Unhandled Exception


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Tried installing Pacific Northwest and Northern California, both of which gave an error warning of "Unhandled Exception" and saying it can't find file for terrain.cfg.  Re-downloading the software for both regions did not work.  Have updated net framework, libraries, patches, registry fix tool, and Dot Net 4.0.  While it shows the FTX Central icon, double clicking it will begin opening it but just remain stuck as "loading."  My FSX is installed on my 2TB drive (F) but the software force-loaded to my smaller (A) drive, and I'm not sure if that's creating at least part of the problem.  The software won't permit me to direct the install elsewhere.  My system is Win7_64, running FTX Acceleration. Have spent hours trying different things but am unable to get past the Unhandled Exception, A-F drive destination, or FTX Central being stuck in perpetual "loading" status.  I have the same issue with both region packages, I suspect critical setting is the key.  I'm semi-computer literate so please explain options on a pediatric level for me so it's clear what I must do.

Cheers, Spike

PNW order 152825

NCalif order 283640

both from the Flight Sim Store


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You could try this.

Right click on your taskbar and select Task Manager.

Click on File then Run New Task and in the box type regedit.


When the registry editor opens, navigate to the path shown at the bottom of this screenshot.

(you will have entries in lines 3 and 5 on the right also, I have hidden them)




You need to have the SetupPath the same as the actual location of your FSX installation.

If it is different, right click on SetupPath, select Modify and in the lower box type in the correct

location and click on OK.

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Thanks a bunch for very clear directions...AND accurate ones to resolve loading into FSX.  With the software working now, the next issue that shows up is that the key features don't show up. Flying in SF Bay with the new Northern California package, the key things like cities (SF, Oakland) and features (Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge) don't show up.  Is there some texture/scenery files I need to activate?

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I don't have Northern California myself so what follows is only general guidance.

If you haven't yet done so, download and install the latest libraries and make sure

that the required FTX area is active in FTX Global.

If it still isn't showing properly and you have read the manual,

I hope one of my colleagues will see this topic and reply.

If not after a day, I will ask them to.

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A few things to check:


Did you reinstall the libraries after fixing the FSX registry SetupPath?


What is the load order of your FSX scenery library? (Make sure that all the Orbx entries are above all of the default scenery)



One quick way to make sure all the Orbx entries are on top is to use the Scenery Library Insertion Tool that is located in the Tools menu of FTX Central.




After doing that, Apply the North America region in FTX Central and give it a test.

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Yes, the library was updated later and the ORBX entries are at the top of the scenery library (as viewed from within FSX).  However, you may be touching on something indicative of the problem. When viewing the library from FTX Central as you describe above, the library is blank and I get an error message.

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What's the contents of your FTXSettings.xml file in the \Orbx\scripts\ folder?


Can you either post the contents or a copy of the file to your post?


Here's mine for P3Dv2:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


  <FSXRegistryKey>HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2</FSXRegistryKey>


  <SceneryCFGLocation>Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2</SceneryCFGLocation>



FTX Central may be looking in the wrong location for the scenery.cfg (in bold above).

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It's the same as yours but with "Microsoft\FSX" instead of "Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D"  However, I must point out that ORBX is loaded under a different drive than my FSX.  Perhaps I need to reinstall ORBX to be under the same drive.

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A pity you didn't mention this before.

You cannot have the ORBX folder elsewhere than inside the FSX folder,

or rather you can but as you can see, it doesn't work.

I guess you originally installed FSX to your A: drive and then copied it to your F: drive.


I will guess further that all of your ORBX installations were installed onto your A: drive,

as directed by the registry, until you posted your request for assistance.


If I am wrong, please explain how you did come to have the files on separate drives.


If I have guessed correctly, I am tempted to suggest that the best way forwards would be to

completely uninstall, not delete FSX and re-install it, using the Custom option, to the location on your F: drive.

Once you have done this your registry entries will match the file locations and re-installation of the FTX

products should proceed without further errors.

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Nick has hit the nail on the head. :)


Having FSX and Orbx in different locations leads to problems exactly like you are having.


I highly recommend following Nick's advice for a pain-free experience with Orbx and any other addons that may rely on FSX having a proper installation (installed via setup to a path and currently operating from that path). Otherwise, you may experience problems with other products other than Orbx as well.

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Apologies and I've found I have ORBX files on both drives.  Long story short, when I upgraded PCs, I moved the old hard drive to the new and kept FSX there because of it's size with add-ons. Everything loaded thereafter went to the newer, much larger drive...where I loaded ORBX.  SO...I will uninstall all ORBX files and start from scratch, with ORBX going to the old drive with FSX on it and report back on how that works out.  Nick, I did mention up front that I had FSX on a different drive and ORBX was force-loading to my smaller A drive.  Your initial directions helped a lot in showing me how to redirect to another drive, and in trying twice, I think I've got files on different drives.  Bottom line, I'll do a fresh load and see where it gets me.  Thank you for your patience.

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I've uninstalled all ORBX and reinstalled all cleanly to "the" FSX program in the correct drive.  While I still received "Unhandled Exception" errors, it's all appearing to have loaded correctly and the programs look good.  Thank you Nick and Phil immensely for your patience and education in getting me to recognized and fix my issues.  Your efforts are much appreciated. 

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