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Alternate Ground Crew sounds for GSX using Majestic


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I know there is an alternate sound set for the pushback process of GSX available at avsim, but I really didnt like it nor the default one.  Well if you are like me and have the Majestic Dash 8, you can use the sounds from their pushback set to replace the GSX ones.  To do so, make a copy of your GSX sound set and then move copies of your Dash 8 ones over and rename them the same file name as the one you want to replace.  What I ended up doing is doing them out of order and making a few dummy wav files as so I didnt have to make new sound set.  It turned out really nice.


Now all my GSX pushbacks will sound so much more real sounding.



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I'm confused by this statement, though:

"What I ended up doing is doing them out of order and making a few dummy wav files as so I didnt have to make new sound set."

Because not all pushback sound waves are available for Majestic Dash 8. So, it would be strange to have two different voices (from GSX and MD8) saying things. Nevertheless, I didn't like Majestic Dash 8 pushback voices or the three I downloaded from AVSIM. None of them sounds good. 

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