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Victorian BushFire Appeal, come and help!

Jay Kae

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Yup both Coles and Woolies are taking donations for the fire relief - Woolies have also contributed $1m for the fund.

Get behind this people, there are over 130 people already dead because of this disaster, which sadly will rise as many reports have said a lot of the burn victims are not expected to survive.

Even if you can only put in $1 into a collection tin - that's helping a very worthwhile cause.

Think how much you've donated to charities for work overseas - it's now time to rally for our own.

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As the Public Officer/ Secretary of a local (Tassie) tourist assoc. I will be moving a resolution at tomorrow nights' meeting to donate a portion of our current funds to the Red Cross appeal, as I am sure that some of our Victorian colleagues will have suffered from these devastating events. My wife & I have already given and we would urge others to please make a donation.

Cheers, John W

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I'll donate via my company. They've vowed to match dollar for dollar every employee donation to the Red Cross fund. They'll probably use it for a "aren't we good" promotion but, hey, I figure every extra dollar for the victims is worth it.

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The FlightSim Store will also be making a considerable donation (for us anyway). We're going to fork out $1,000 plus 5% of all sales between Feb 9th - 16th. So if you're not an Orbx burger with the lot customer yet then there's no better time to become one!

This decision was made on the back of IRIS' push to raise funds for the appeal. One thing I want to ensure is that if you are considering making a purchase of any IRIS product at FSS in order to help donate to the appeal please do so directly via the IRIS store instead as this will mean more of your much needed funds are forwarded onto the victims of the fires.

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I will up the ante and Orbx will contribute a further 5% on top of FSS's contribution for all Orbx sales for the same period.

Folks, this is Australia's worst natural disaster with nearly 200 deaths (and counting) and countless families without a possession left to their name. Please help in any way you can.

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it's a sad time for our great country, Fires in the South, Floods in The North.....Mother nature is in total breakdown....Unfortunatly Mother nature had little to do with the fires starting....So I sent a donation rather large and will kill most of my savings at this time but I did to the flood victims and the fire victims, after all I still have a roof over my head and clean clothes to wear and food in my belly.....So what I can DO, is give something back to our fellow Aussie's who need it most.

I'm Proud to be Australian and see so many people give of their time, money and anything they can. I'm proud to see Orbx and FSS making donations too. It really makes you think what would you do if this disaster fell upon you!

When I was young I lived through 2 house fires and we lost everything. When I was 21 I lost again thanks to the floods. So in hindsight I know how lots of these people are feeling and everyone should help as it may just happen to you one day, I hope it never does, but if it ever does remember Aussie's always help out! Thanks for all being MATES!




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Yep, the impact of the bushfire is terrible. Alongside the human tragedy and suffering, Victoria's animal population has been devastatingly affected by the bushfires. I think it it's just as important if you can donate to these organisations too. Here is a list of organisations.

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