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11S Sekiu installation problem


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I am not able to install 11S; the unwrapping program doesn't run over 90% though I wait for 20 min.


It is the first time with ORBX airport for me :wacko:




Any suggestion?


cheers Marco


Order Number: FSS0275035


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Hi Misha,

thanks for answer.


I click OK and wait 15 min but the unwrapping program does not go forward.


I download from a difeerent server another copy of 11S but no result


I installed PNW Patch 7 and PNW Patch 8 but no result.


What can I try ??


cheers Marco

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Hi Marco,

This is very strange, it seems like your download file may be corrupted. Are you using a download manager to download the file, or are you just using default browser downloading? This may be the cause, even though the file isn't very big.

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Could it be that you don't have enough free space on the C:\ drive? This stops the installer from fully unpacking. Don't know exactly how much free space you need for Sekiu, but I think ORBX generally say you need about 10Gb free space on C:\



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Hi Misha,

I installed Free Download Manager and download the file with this one but no difference

Hi Jack,
there are 23 GB of free space in the OS disk and 48 GB on the FSX disk. It is a lot af free space.

Thanks for the answer


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Hi Adrian,
thanks for your interest.

When I click OK appears the attach screen.


I wait for 15 min but nothing happend.
At this point I don't click NEXT and I do not go on because I do not know how to possibly uninstall the scenario.


cheers Marco

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hi Misha

solved :) :) :)

it was too easy: I supposed it was not possible to go on if the unwrapper process was not finish !!!!


thanks to everybody for the help


cheers Marco


PS I saw the deers

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