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YMML and all that

John York

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I installed YMML, plus the other payware airports and REX all at once and having finished defragging and thinking if this works with YMML, it'll work with anything, I've just been for my first flight using REX from Morrobin to Melbourne International.  No pics I'm afraid but I am seriously impressed. 

However, Alex was right, YMML is a bit of a frame eater but I just about got a smooth flight.  Having said that, I would like a few frames back.  I've applied all the usual tweaks and stuff but have any of you found any items in either REX or YMML that can be adjusted to produce say another 2 or 3 fps?

If so, please share them with me.  I don't want to reduce my autogen setting, very dense at present, too much less than that, but if that's all that is on offer I suppose I might have to and make a cfg specially for the Melbourne Area.  I have one for the whole of Australia at present so I don't really want to start splitting the Country up if I can avoid it.

Any suggestions will be gratefully received please.


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Thanks John and Theo'.  I've now got it going satisfactorily.  I've compromised by reducing the autogen to Dense but also using the FSX Native Mode.  I don't mind that.  It keeps my frame rates above 9 in and around Melbourne and if its alright there, it'll be fine for the rest of Australia too.  I just didn't want to have a separate Settings for Melbourne than for the rest of the Country was all.

Now I'm trying to get the hang of REX!  It's all go being retired isn't it?!! ;D

All the best to you both, and you Sue if you're reading this...well anyway.


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