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missing airport - KECP - what can be done?


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You can create new airports with Airport Design Editor. It's a powerful freeware AFCAD utility, if you are not familiar with it. I don't know the steps involved, but the manual lays it out. I also suggest doing a search on FSDeveloper.com.

Another tool you'll likely want is SBuilderX, which will let you make a photo image with geographic coordinates that you can import into ADE. Then it's just a matter of tracing runways, taxiways, and aprons using the AFCAD features. You can also use the photo image (you'll have to compile as a bgl file using SBuilderX) in the sim as a way to know where to place buildings, etc. And for building placement I recommend Instant Scenery 3. Once done, I just toss the photoreal.bgl file, as I don't do photoreal scenery.

By the way, this is pretty much what I do to enhance existing airports. Should work for creating a nonexistent airport too.


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Todd - Thanks very much. I downloaded SBX a while back because Neil suggested it for doing landclass but I haven't even looked at it yet. I've been doing a little reading today and I'll get ADE and probably IS3. Is FS Design Studio needed for anything? I only have a tiny bit of experience with scenery design when I experimented with adding KADS. I didn't get very far. Thanks again!

You can create new airports with Airport Design Editor. It's a powerful freeware AFCAD utility, if you are not familiar with it. I don't know the steps involved, but the manual lays it out. I also suggest doing a search on FSDeveloper.com.

Another tool you'll likely want is SBuilderX, which will let you make a photo image with geographic coordinates that you can import into ADE. Then it's just a matter of tracing runways, taxiways, and aprons using the AFCAD features. You can also use the photo image (you'll have to compile as a bgl file using SBuilderX) in the sim as a way to know where to place buildings, etc. And for building placement I recommend Instant Scenery 3. Once done, I just toss the photoreal.bgl file, as I don't do photoreal scenery.

By the way, this is pretty much what I do to enhance existing airports. Should work for creating a nonexistent airport too.




Holger - Thanks for that. I had to get a new account at avsim. My old one stopped working for some reason. I'm going to look into scenery design until I get convinced I cant do it. I'll keep the link for reference.

Hi there,


how about this freeware add-on? http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxscen&DLID=153727


Cheers, Holger

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Well, if you want to do 3D models, FS Design Studio is certainly an option. I have never used it but there are some that do. Most hard core modelers use 3DSMax ($$$) and GMax. Blender is a freeware open source 3D modeling program that seems to be getting more and more publicity, and certainly has peaked my interest to learn more.. There is a guy on FSDeveloper.com who is creating an amazing Bombardier CL605, and the cockpit is being done with Blender. His WIP pics are jaw dropping. Also, don't discount Sketchup. I actually did my first 2 models with Sketchup. It's free, fun, and very user friendly. Just don't use the Sketchup textures or you'll get way too many draw calls, and be sure to clean up your work as you go. Also, texture your models with your own texture sheets. That's what I did and both my models ended up being 1 drawcall each. To me, the hardest and most time-consuming part of modeling is making textures. I really think that is where the Pros really separate themselves from the rest of the pack. I wish I had more time to learn modeling and ground poly creation, but I just don't have the time in my life to dedicate to it.



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