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Texture Corruption in the Iceland demo


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I am having a weird problem with texture corruption in the Iceland demo around Reyjavik. It happens in both P3D and FsX. No one else is reporting the problem so I presume this must be unique to my system. I have looked around the scenery a bit but the problems only seem to occur in two places, specifically, N64 7.36 W21 46.31 and N64 7.24 W21 46.30. I wonder if perhaps someone else could check these locations.


I have tried to post screenshots of what I am seeing but I cannot get the thing to work. I have read the instructions about how to post a sceenshot and I have successfully uploaded the images but I cannot find a way to include them  in this post . I have absolutely no idea what this instruction means,


"Click on that code in your actual own window and it should highlight, copy the text."


I don't understand what 'your own actual window' is referring to. Every time I have tried to follow the instructions all that get copied is the address of the two images not the images themselves. Clearly, this is me being very dim but I have no idea what to do.


Adam Mills.


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Thanks for your quick reply. When I get to the screen 'upload complete' I can see the two images and above them two boxes the one on the left containing a drop down list including BBcodes. I select BBcodes and then highlight the addresses of the two images and then paste them into the reply this is what happens. .




I don't understand what I am doing wrong here. I must be missing a step but I cannot see what it is.








Now I am feeling really dumb - what I was seeing before I posted was the text address of the two images I didn't realise that they would not appear until I actually posted. How dim is that?


Anyway, the two images show the texture corruption that I am seeing at the two locations in Reyjavik, so I have no idea what is going wrong. I have set up the scenery sliders according to the recommendations but even changing them doesn't seem to effect anything.



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Thank you for your reply.


I ran OrbxLibs 130927, I think that's the latest library file but with no luck, I still have the same problem. Would it be worth downloading the Iceland Off demo and testing that to see if something in FTXG has got messed up?





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Thank you for your help.


I do have UTX but I don't know how to run the config tool. Do you mean by the 'config tool' the Ultimate Terrain X Setup Tool? Do I go into the terrain drop down menu and click on 'Restore Ultimate Terrain to Initial Settings'? Secodly, you say, 'make a small change' but I do not understand what small change I am supposed to make. Sorry to be dim, but I am struggling.

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I have run the UTX Setup for both Europe and the US made a small change so that the setup tool runs and presumably rebuilds the terrrain.cfg file. Unfortunately, this has not worked and I am still getting texture corruption. As I mentioned earlier, this is occuring in both FsX and P3D. Wolter mentioned that the corruption might be the result of missing textures, so I re-installed the Iceland demo but to no effect, so might this mean that something is amiss with FTXG textures?






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Hi Walter,


Well, I tried disabling UTX and I re-installed FTXG and the update and following that the latest OrbxLibs and I removed all the scenery entries above the Orbx ones so now the Orbx entries are at the top of the scenery library. And, still the same! No idea what to do now.





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I've figured out what I have been doing wrong. I have been looking at Iceland with FTX Central set to Europe. Once I set it to Global everything was fine. I assumed that the Iceland area was part of Europe, as per the illustration of the forthcoming LC areas - this was obviously a mistake. Anyway, thankyou for your help.





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