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Downtown Boise ID CRM


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What happened to downtown Boise?  Boise is the largest city in CRM, I figured it would get some love.  With NRM I get the default downtown Spokane but with CRM I don't even get the default 3 buildings with the capital.  Is there anyway to get those back?  I use them as a VFR reference and it's annoying me not to have them. Anyone know of a freeware downtown Boise or something I don't know about?  Thanks.

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Hi aniiran,


good catch, looks like you're the first one to notice that CRM inadvertently removes those downtown buildings. I've cut a hole in our general exclude file, which brings them back. We'll include that with the next CRM service pack but I've also attached it below; replace your existing version in \ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_CRM06_CVX\scenery with the new file.


Sorry, I'm not aware of any custom scenery for Boise.


Cheers, Holger


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Thanks Holger!


Not to open a can of worms, but a parliament building in Victoria (and maybe the Empress Hotel & BC Museum) would look nice :)


I suppose adding every country, state, province capitol or parliament building might be a lot of work for Global, but I would hope that Orbx Regions would include those buildings (at lease an approximation of them) when they fall in the coverage area.


Thanks again for the Boise fix.


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