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Shoreham Runway 07 Issues


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Hey guys, I bought your England scenery among with Shoreham and Goodwood, and I am really happy with those, some great places to fly some warbirds out of!


However, when Runway 20 (The asphalt runway) is active, ATC and AI traffic works fine. But when I am on a grass runway, like 07, I can takeoff guided by ATC just fine, but as soon as I touch ground on landing, I get told to contact ground, which makes ATC controlled touch and gos impossible.

Also, AI aircraft will not takeoff from Runway 07, just taxi there and wait, until they disappear and aircraft which are coming in to land seem to allways declare missed approaches.


Except for the Touch'n'go problem, it is not too dramatic, well, the parking AI aircraft on the runway for 5 minutes is kind of uncomfortable, too, it is not that bad. Still it would be great if a solution could be found, maybe it is something wrong on my rig here, don´t know what could cause this, though...

I use FSX Acceleration with Win 7 64 on my laptop, AI traffic about 60 or 70%, no further AI packages, just default. England and Shoreham are patched to the most recent level with the installation order as recommended by you.


Looking forward to replies here, and thank you in advance!



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Hi, thanks for that.


From what I know in the FSX stock ATC you will need to declare a touch and go, if you declare a full stop landing it will automatically ask you to contact ground. What exactly happens when you do a touch and go on the asphalt runway? Does it have an option to declare a touch and go, whereas on the grass runway it does not?


If it is an airport specific problem we'll have to wait for one of the airport developers to give a reply. Not sure about the AI traffic but i'm assuming the way it behaves is intentional.



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So I just did a check on runway 20.

Requested taxi for remaining in pattern to do touch and gos, with wind coming from 214°, so Runway 20 was active. Took off and went into pattern, got cleared for touch and go, turned in, landed, and as soon as my wheel touched the ground, I was told to contact ground. Took off again anyway, tuned in on tower again, and request touch and go again. Same result. Took off right away again, and request full stop landing. Touched ground again, and was again imediatly told to contact ground.


Standard behaviour would be requesting touch and go traffic, taking off, turning in, getting cleared for touch and go, and perform touch and go. This will repeat until one requests full stop landing.

And even with full stop landing, one is only told to contact ground after leaving the runway, like turning into a taxiway. FS does the same wrong behaviour, when one misses the runway or overshoots. The contact ground request comes as soon as one has ground contact off the runway, either when turning off the runway after landing, or when not even making ground contact on a runway during landing.


A good thing I watched on runway 20 is that AI seemed to perform correct.


I tried to land on the runway centerline, one time just after the numbers, one time right where ATC enters the runway to take off, and once somewhere in the middle of the runway.


Tests were done with A2A's 172, but have had the issue with other aircraft too. Might try a default one tomorrow.


It looks like the runways you use (I guess it is an invisible kind of runway or under the photo texture) are not absolutely correct, or are making some kind of other trouble.

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Is there any chance on getting a fix for this one?


I like those airports, but it´s just a shame that touch and gos don´t work out, and that AI blocks the runway for 5 minutes everytime it tries to take off....


Would even like to buy some more aiports, but this is holding me off...

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Yeah, maybe I missed a point there, but that one is about custom AI, don´t really get the link here. My problem is mainly about the way of default FSX AI and ATC handling the airport.


Are the ENG airports simply not compatible with the FS default ATC? If so, I will definitively put it on hold to get more of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So you suggest I have to buy an additional ATC program to use functions of FSX with your scenery, that worked well with pretty much every addon so far, and deactivate all AI traffic so I can use the airports runways when I want to, and to be able to perform a simple touch and go landing?


I had a break of FS for some weeks because of stuff like this, fired it up, loaded Shoreham with a Spitfire for a quick run before bed time, taxi to the runway, and there again, an FS aircraft waiting until it gets magically removed because it has no further options there... That was the moment I instantly hit ALT+F4, as it ruined the whole stress relievement thing.


Does anybody else get this problems, or is this my end only? Maybe a reinstall or something? I´d even go with reinstalling the whole FS to get rid of this.


Is there a possibility to edit your scenery files with an AFCAD program? I did that some years ago, when I created my own simple airfields (Just some taxiways, stock buildings, but it usually worked)


I understand that the eye candy we get with the high res photo textured runways and taxiways might be hard to realise with the old technology MS left us with, but a clear statement here would be nice.




Lennart Biermann

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, that is quite true, I agree.


But than, why doesn´t the AI traffic recognize the runway? If it would, the aircraft wouldn´t park on the end of the taxiway or start of the runway and block it.


Maybe some kind of issue with the invisible underlayed taxiway that directs AI and ATC not meeting up with the runway correctly?

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