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ORBX PNW Night lights versus FTXG/UTX...


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Here is a comparison of three modes of scenery. FTXG+UTX Lights enabled, FTXG+Vector and finally ORBX PNW.


I notice that in the PNW region shot, the major artery here at KPDX is devoid of lights. Is there something wrong with my PNW scenery?



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Sorry but your Vector Lights are not enabled in shot #2. I can see the vector road night textures but the lights are not active.

PNW shot looks normal; the older style 3D lights are not as dense or bright. We do plan to retrofit the new 3D lights to all our older FTX regions.

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Sorry but your Vector Lights are not enabled in shot #2. I can see the vector road night textures but the lights are not active.

PNW shot looks normal; the older style 3D lights are not as dense or bright. We do plan to retrofit the new 3D lights to all our older FTX regions.

Time for a recheck! Thanks John! I'll face palm myself after if it works.


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Sorry but your Vector Lights are not enabled in shot #2. I can see the vector road night textures but the lights are not active.

PNW shot looks normal; the older style 3D lights are not as dense or bright. We do plan to retrofit the new 3D lights to all our older FTX regions.

Enabled vector and applied... Still no vector. Reinstalling ftxg and the patch and will try again.


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Sorry but your Vector Lights are not enabled in shot #2. I can see the vector road night textures but the lights are not active.

PNW shot looks normal; the older style 3D lights are not as dense or bright. We do plan to retrofit the new 3D lights to all our older FTX regions.


OK I figured it out. So US cities appeared to have no Vector Road Lights. I do not have UTX Canada installed so I checked a city there and I had all kinds of Vector Road Lights!


Confirmed that my UTX USA (Version 1.6) has Lights (both options) Inactive. They were. To be sure I Enabled and disabled once more and started FSX and still no Vector Road Lights.


Using the UTX Setup Tool, I Disabled UTX USA all together and BOOM! I have all kinds of Vector Lights in all directions.


Something is up with UTX. I noticed this before but never looked deeper but did a complete rebuild from scratch of FSX 2 weeks ago. So this is two complete builds and I still see this behavior.


Can this be addressed? I do fly my ORBX regions (I have all the NA ones) but elsewhere I NEED UTX for the corrections it makes and I really like how you did Vector Road lights! Please fix or tell me what I am perhaps doing wrong.


Thanks for everything!




PS - Shots... And in case you hadn't noticed.... Your FTXG textures and UTX were made for each other. Like PB&J.





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UTX has their own road vector textures (and their lights if enabled in the config program), so if you enable it, you won't have FTXG vector lights. Unfortunately you will have to pic one of them.


I know. Even when I disable UTX Lights in their tool, I still have no Vector Road Lights in FTXG. I actually have to uninstall UTX completely. This is the problem. Either no one realizes this or my (Second install) of FSX is pooched in some way.


If it's not my system, we have a problem. This means that people wanting thee benefits of UTX with FTXG cannot use FTXG lighting. Because... If UTX is installed at all, no vector road lights.


In my second screenshot a few posts up, I should have been more clear. It says UTX disabled. That's not just thee lights. That ALL OF UTX. 


Edit... It's not just me... http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/64454-utx-roads-with-ftxg-lights/?p=588621

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The fact that you disabled UTX lights won't show FTXG vector lights, because their (UTX) vectors and their textures will still be showed over FTXG ones in this case. What you are seeing in image 2 is UTX "freeways" without their light effects.


I don't know if there is a workaround for this case that doesn't mess up other things. Let's wait for someone inside the core FTXG team answers it.


I know. Even when I disable UTX Lights in their tool, I still have no Vector Road Lights in FTXG. I actually have to uninstall UTX completely. This is the problem. Either no one realizes this or my (Second install) of FSX is pooched in some way.



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A workaround is to disable "UT exclusion for default scenery" in the scenerylibrary. Then you will see FTXG Vector Lights AND vector roads from UTX.


BUT! now you will have some messed up coastline.




Ya no. I don't want that.


FTXG textures ROCK.... UTX Lights kick booty! When not in an ORBX Region exclusively I will simply go 100% Pure FTXG with UTX with thier 3dlights enabled. Looks fant freakin tastic. Just need a good LC package and some retouched airports and the whole planet is ORBX. LOL



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