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AU Red

John York

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Yes Alex I noticed.  These diversions take time away from the main purpose but are, as you say, interesting to visit and if I don't do them straight away, I'll never do them later.

By the way.  Sorry, going off subject.  Have you seen the latest download on Avsim to improve the Textures in FSX?  Sorry I can't copy and paste the link for some reason so I'm having to type it.  Hope I get it right;

>http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=&Name=&FileName=fsx enhanced autogen.zip&Author=&CatID=root

This came from a link in the GEX forum but providing you have a Vatsim account it'll probably take you there.

These textures completely replace the main texture file in the FSX program files with enhaced building, lighting etc worldwide.  As it only replaces what's already there it shouldn't affect anything we all have in add on scenery except of course in GEX which of course uses it.

As the original files are backed up in a special folder, if it becomes a nuisance its easy enough to get the original FSX Texture back by overwriting the new by the copy and paste method.


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No I hadn't but I am wary of replacement textures so i think I'll pass for now. I rarely fly outside Aus these days even th UK photo scenery doesn't tempt me that much.

Enjoy your flights, so much to see. Seasonal greetings to you as well.


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The new GEXn textures are fine as long as you turn FTX Mode OFF first, then install the new GEXn textures.  Then when you turn FTX Mode ON again, the FTX textures will take over.  If you don't turn FTX Mode OFF first, you will overwrite some FTX installed textures.

The GEXn textures Nick N did for areas outside FTX are flat out awesome.  I did several flights both day and night in several areas outside FTX, and they improve FSX greatly in areas outside the FTX coverage.

Note the GEXn textures we are talking about here are AUTOGEN textures for buildings...not "ground" textures.  Nick N enhanced several of the default FSX AUTOGEN textures, and provided it as a free download for FSX users.  They work great, and won't interfere with any FTX textures if installed correctly (turn FTX Mode OFF before installing them).


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Oh my.  They didn't include this in the instructions.  My FTX was turned on.  What I've done is left it turned on and copied the contents of the backup file back to FSX, turned FTX off and then copied the enhancement back to FSX.  I must say it was very noticeable that the were a lot less files to copy back when FTX was off!  I'm hoping this does the trick.  It should because it is exactly what the backup file is for.

Thanks for pointing this out fellers.  I'm really greatful.


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