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Hawaii problem


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Hi! Hope you can read my lousy english. Sorry for that.

Before the installment of FTX Global, I removed GEX but left the Megascenery X Oahu  and Dillingham X photosceneries and UTX Europe. When I tried to go to Hawaii, the result was negative. I tried FTX

central both in hybrid mode and NA mode. Then I tried to change the insertion point without succes. The loading of any hawaiian airport stops every time at the 83% point ("Loading air traffic control"). Then

I tried to go via default Hawaii-mission. No luck this time too. At last I removed both Megasceneries without succes. Now I have to admit that my ability to resolve this problem is inadequate and ask your help!

I really hope all of my heart that you can find the solution to this Hawaii nuisance without the reinstallment of the hole FSX. All other over 40 Orbx airports are OK. By the way, I unticked those three ATC-boxes in FSX control panel and everything was OK !!! But next time when I started FSX, the situation was like in the beginning. And now ticking or unticking those ATC-boxes did not help any more. Hawaii is unreachable

for me. Waiting your reply fingers crossed!


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Hi again!

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Any ideas what could be the reason of my problem and how to cure it?

I have seen, that sometimes (for some reason) the loading continues

to happy end and I can get to all hawaiian airports but mostly not. After

reopening fsx, loading stops allways to that 83% point and after that, fsx

does not answer any more. Hawaii is a small area on the globe but I

would like, that everything functions like it should. I really hope, that

some of you gurus can help me!

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Holger, that was the trick! As many thanks as there are miles between Finland and Australia!

The long lonely days of a retired man are saved and the sun shines bright again. So little thing

can have so big influence! As a matter of fackt, that magick word was "AI". As an elderly man, I

have so much chalk in my veins allready, that I had forgotten the FTX NA GA AI TRAFFIC and

it´s controll panel completely. Just a couple of ticks and Hawaii is open for me again!

By the way, one more question concerning those mentioned Megascenery addons. Are they

compatible with FTX Global (by changing the insertion point) or not?

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