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FTX Global Concerns


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I have FTX Global ready to install.


I have not installed it just yet. I'm seeing and reading about a lot of issues others are having after installing Global. I can't afford having all kinds of problems, after I get it installed, because I'll have problems trying to get the issues corrected, without support here on the problems.


Has anyone installed Global error free without any issues per say other than the Orbx Team?. I'm wanting to install it, without errors, I hope.


Before I install Global. Here is what I have ready before installing Global:


1) My FTX Central is currently set to default. I did this based on the readme in the Global download package after I extracted the files to a temp folder, before I install Global?. The Global PDF doc readme, mentions to set to default after installing Global?. 


2) I don't have any GEX products.


3) I have the UTX products for USA/Canada and Europe installed. I did go into each these products and disabled all the night lights.


4) I do have FSGenesis  installed.


5) I do have all Orbx regions and most of the Orbx airfields installed. I also have most if not all the Ozx products installed. I also have most of the RTMM addon fields installed. I have no other third party products installed at this time.


6) The only other products I have installed are, REX and OPUS.


Since I already have an FTX Central short cut on my desk top. After I install Global. Will there be a second FTX Central showing up?. If so what do I do with the Central I already have?.


I already have insertion points already set. Will I have to change them, after Global is installed?.


The PDF readme states. During the Global install process I will be prompted  to do a backup of my Main Scenery World Texture folder. Since my FTX Central is currently set to default. I just did a back up of my Main Scenery World Texture folder and put it in a safe place for use later if needed. Is this ok the why I backed up the texture folder, before running the Global installer??.



I'm not savvy with all this Global info going on. So based on the above info. Should I have a clean install of Global without errors??. 


Thanks for any inputs to the above.



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1) My FTX Central is currently set to default. I did this based on the readme in the Global download package after I extracted the files to a temp folder, before I install Global?. The Global PDF doc readme, mentions to set to default after installing Global?.


FTXGlobal will be the default after install, you can add ORBX trees, select Hybrid mode and add Vector lights at will via the FTXCentral CP

2) I don't have any GEX products.


Shouldn't be a problem

3) I have the UTX products for USA/Canada and Europe installed. I did go into each these products and disabled all the night lights.


as per recommendation disable the UTX nightlighting

4) I do have FSGenesis installed.


Should not be an issue FSGenesis is your mesh scenery layer so it will not conflict

5) I do have all Orbx regions and most of the Orbx airfields installed. I also have most if not all the Ozx products installed. I also have most of the RTMM addon fields installed. I have no other third party products installed at this time.


Have all that an a few more installed here and they all work fine at my end

6) The only other products I have installed are, REX and OPUS.


I have REX Essentials+Overdrive + OPUS installed works a treat



also have a read here where the buildup of fsX layers is explained => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/61929-ftx-global-what-is-it-all-about/


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Mine installed problem free into Prepar3d.  When the installer pops up a message asking you where to backup to, just select your preferred location.  There was really no need for you to make your own backup.  Personally I deleted my backed up default textures as I knew I wouldn't be going back to them any time soon.  Post installation my desktop still only had the one FTX central icon.  Scenery insertion points are maintained from pre global installation. 


Edit: Lol just beaten by Walter.

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Thanks everyone for the reply's so far.


Since my FTX Central is currently set to default. I'm going to leave it that way and press on with the Global install, and hope I don't have any bloopers during the install process.


I will report back with my install results.



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 Do it mon!! You will be satisfied and you look ready to go!!


 For everything I have installed (and I'm actually embarrassed at how much I have spent on FSX) the issues are VERY minimal and compatibility is phenomenal.


Git er done!!  yer wasting good flying time!

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I had no issues installing FTXG.  I also hae GEX installed (I let FTXG replace the textures and made no backup of GEX)  A new FTX Central icon replaced my old one on the desktop.  Actually, the installer switched FTX Central to Default without my having to do so beforehand.  I disabled UTX lights and also after reading another thread, I disabled (in UTX) the custom landclass.   Everything looks awesome (not withstanding some peoples issues with desert textures).  Frames are as good or better and the immersion has increased big time!

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I did get thru the Global install, but had three bloopers, and I don't know what they mean. I'll list the three errors. They may be minor. not sure though.


1) The following file is in use and cannot be updated:


Close all other applications and choose retry. Choose Cancel to install this file on reboot.


2) The following file is in use and cannot be updated:


Close all other applications and choose retry. Choose Cancel to install this file on reboot.


3) The following file is in use and cannot be updated:


Close all other applications and choose retry. Choose Cancel to install this file on reboot.


# 1 above. I clicked  retry and the install continued.


#2 and # 3 above I clicked cancel to install this file on reboot. I rebooted my PC. I Reinstalled FTX Global again and went thru the install process. This time I had no bloopers during the install process.


In general I didn't/don't know what the retry or cancel really does to the three files in the end. These are new errors I've never really seen before, with any orbx  products.


I have no Idea what the three files are, and where there located. Maybe I need to check them, to be sure the three files are installed?.The first one in particular, because I clicked on retry instead of cancel to install the file after I reboot my PC.


My current orbx library was/is up to date. I haven't reinstalled the library after this big orbx package install. I'm holding off on that for now, until I find out otherwise etc.


I'm moving along slowly with caution as I progress and digest the rest of FTX Global in's and out's



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the issue that you have is that those files probably are write protected for some odd reason, got to your main fsX folder, right clcik select properties and untick the read only box and hit apply


when done that the system will run some proggy and when finished try and run the installer again.

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the issue that you have is that those files probably are write protected for some odd reason, got to your main fsX folder, right clcik select properties and untick the read only box and hit apply


when done that the system will run some proggy and when finished try and run the installer again.


Prior to your reply. I did find where the three files are located.They appear to be there based on the names of the three files. I did reinstall Global a third time. The install went thru without a hitch.


Should I still  do what you mention above?.  



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