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CBB7 with DX10

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running my FSX with DX10 I know that there are some restrictions and strange effects. Anyway I like the smoothness and stable FPS so I can live with them.


To be understood right I don't complain about an issue with this thread. I only want to show the funny light effect and wonder what's the difference to other lights which doesn't show the same effect. Maybe somebody can tell me the light difference here?


Maybe it's a special, secret advertising for MS FS?? >:D





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The effect you see is a default TExture that MS brings up when the effect file will not work, it is essentially just something the program grabs up when it cannot handle whats being put to it.  That is why we only make the scenery DX9 compatible as MS never finished the DX10 compatibility hence it being a "preview" mode.

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Thanks for the replay and I'm aware very well about DX10. The faulty lights with DX10 is no problem for me so it's ok.I still love the scenery and a night flight is normally not an option for me. 



PS: There will be a new DX10 Fix soon which should handle this problem. That's a message from the DX10 user board.

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