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Future of FSX in USA


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I am sure FSX will continue in the USA of that there is no doubt. The sim has a huge dedicated...sometimes obsessive following. My question is....after discovering FTX....why not the USA? I am not a software guy. I lost out on that many years ago when I could program in machine laungage. I chose to go down the hardware path in my field chasing ones and zeros. Loved being the elctronic detective. I am sure the guys at Orbx are great at what they do. Their work shows it. The guys who have develpoed GEXN and UTX....FEX...have produced good work also. But there is no scenery out there that is like Orbx FTX. I pull up different airports in Tasmania just to fly from one to the other as I love the flying there over great scenery and the special affects....traffic....birds....boats.....beaches. I am sure when Orbx does the PNW for the USA it is going to turn heads there and people are going to flock to Orbx to buy that product. I don't know maybe some developers there have something big in the works that we don't know about. But everytime I start FSX instead of starting my default flight at KMRC I load up something down under. I guess all there is to say is keep it coming and you price increase is not going to have an affect on your product.


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I am sure FSX will continue in the USA of that there is no doubt. The sim has a huge dedicated...sometimes obsessive following. My question is....after discovering FTX....why not the USA?


To answer your question, as a start...

Go here... http://www.fullterrain.com/buynow.html

...and halfway down the page has a section called USBLUE

To quote from that page...

From Vancouver, BC down to Portland, OR - this area is home to some of the most magnificent scenery in the world. Towering douglas firs and misty mountain passes aren't the only spectacular parts of this region. A VFR flyer's mecca, Orbx will recreate the landscape as it only knows how - and simming in this part of the world will never be the same again. Our project leader for FTX US BLUE is Holger Sandmann, who has already established his reputation for some of the most enjoyed FS addons ever made throughout the PNW area. A native of the PNW area, Holger will use his unique local knowledge to ensure it's going to be absolutely as real as it gets.

You will be stunned by the beauty of this region pack.

Status: Pre-ALPHA

Project Leader: Holger Sandmann

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With all due respect, I think the majority of people here will be of the view that for years, the USA has enjoyed heavily biased attention is the FS world; both in terms of the core platform itself (there are some major airports outside the US that aren't even featured in FSX, while the US gets almost every grass strip), and in terms of development of add-ons from certainly the major developers.

FTX is refreshing not only in terms of the quality and attention to detail, but also in the fact that it is developing a part of the FSX world that has always been horribly neglected.

Incidentally, I am not Australian but I hugely welcome the ORBx products that are set in non-US areas. There is nothing personally aimed at the US or it's people in that, just that I want to be able to fly in areas that mean something to me (as I guess most of us do).

I was personally a touch disappointed when I heard about the US PNW choice for Orbx's next project because I felt there were other areas in FSX that needed the magic more than the US did.  (I'm not talking about obscure areas here - Have you seen Europe in the sim ??).

Of course, the PNW is a beautiful natural area and I am looking forward to the product greatly, simply because it's FTX.  ;D

Some people feel the US over bears many things in our lives these days, including FS, and I love the fact that Orbx took a brave step and put all their efforts into their own country, that they clearly felt passionately about.



Durham, England.

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  I took no offense at your reply. You are 100 percent correct. We all do want to fly in places we know. Having lived half of my 57 years outside of my own country...which I love dearly....you could not be more right about what you say about America. Most Americans are a bunch of spoiled whining brats. They have no clue about most things in the world and most of them think we are the world!! I find myself hanging around the FTX forum more these days as it seems to be more civil here.......some good info also. Avsim is a great forum....the moderators have their hands full...and there are some great people on there....but it can be such a bitter place to discuss something so simple. Having owned every version of this program since it was started by SubLogic.....in the Orbx scenrry I find what I was hoping to someday see this program come to.....something that is more close to a realistic looking outside the plane world. Flight sim kept me from going nuts duing my remote site tours in Saudi....and several more of my coworkers. Would have purchased the VFR England series but at the time did not have hdd space and did not feel this old machine was up to it. Was putting off a new machine until FS 11 but after discovering Orbx I am now waiting on a i7 920 to arrive and it will have to sit in my living room for a week or so as I am having a carpal tunnel release done on Monday so will not be able to man handle the thing until a little time after. By that time AuRed should be out and I can explore all of Australia for my winter and then it willl be time for fishing and golf again.....I very rarely fly during spring, summer, fall. Maybe by next winter I can fly whatever places Orbx have completed then. Yes I have seen Europe in FSX....spent 3 years in Germany and travled extensivly in Europe....and it is very bland in FSX to say the least. Love the Pro Switzerland series but way too much for me cost wise but it is a great product. I can only hope Orbx will continue their great work and can remain a viable company in todays economy. 



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The USA and Canada get a lot of attention with UTX and GEX, and so does Europe (UTX already there, GEX will be out early 2009). FTX was a godsend for me, because it covered a part of the world that was neglected by others (I have no personal ties to Australia, never been there, but LOVE to explore the continent in FSX).

If FTX goes US, I will of course use it there as well, but my joy wouldbe even higher if they cover areas like South America, India or Africa :-)

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Randy Wrote

Most Americans are a bunch of spoiled whining brats. They have no clue about most things in the world and most of them think we are the world!! I find myself hanging around the FTX forum more these days as it seems to be more civil here.......some good info also.

Especially now - it's easy for people in this country and abroad to think of Americans as bullys and whining brats.  I personally don't disagree with the opinion to a point but I maintain that Americans don't hold a monopoly on this attitude but its a worldwide condition.  In fact its just being human.  I'm sure if you sat down in a pub/bar in nearly any country in the world you would hear the same attitude of self importance and pride for thier country.  You would also hear alot of critisism of ones own homeland, complaints about everything from the local school board up to the national government.  People love to bitch about things but also love to feel pride in whats there own. 

America has done its share of bad things either intentionally or not.  Name a country that hasn't.  America didn't invent nation building, slavery, war, genocide of native peoples, capital punishment, racism, and so on.

Whats this have to do with FSX and FTX - nothing so why was it injected in the discussion in the first place. 


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It was only a reply to the remarks David made in his post about America. It has nothing to do with FTX....other than it is not made for the USA....yet....which why should it be right now....it is an Aussie product. I never knew the extent to which FS....  excisted in the world until 2001 when I returned to the states for good. We did not aquire the net in Saudi until 1998 and it was only dial up and I never even knew of payware until 2003. For those couple of years I was using the net in Saudi it was a touch and go just to get connected. It did improve but not enough to ever do any real downloding of even a medium size file. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see how big the flight sim world is. As I said this was only a reply to David and not to start some flame war. You are right Roy, Americans hold a monopoly on anything. I am an American....could live where I want to...but choose to stay here....but also know there are many fine countries I would live in. The post was just in response to another post. Now...for something that has much to do with FSX...FTX....I have laid down 1200 bucks for a i7 920 build. If it does not satisfy me I am going to be one whining...crying.....fit pitching brat....LOL. But I think I mean that literaly.


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At the end of the day we are all Human, But I will say that I have always loved this site as everyone is very friendly and that is so refreshing these days, there are too many forums where people are attacked verbally or somebody speaks out of line.

So Guys kiss and make up  ;D this is Flight Sim not Call of Duty World at War.

just My $2 cents

ANYWAY: to get back on this topic, Everytime I have upgraded to the latest Tech and forked out a load of cash I always end up regretting it due to the price coming down eventually, so hold out until for as long as you can before making the jump,

Good luck with your new system



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You are so right. I took no offense from any post here and I hope no one was offended by my post. This is a very civil place to hang out. What will not be so civil is when I get my new system going and FSX still runs the same...LOL. I know that will probably not be the case but FSX is so quirky one never knows. I do know that if it were not for Orbx I would not have the intense interest again in FSX. Just finished with OZ down load of the Grand Caynon! I am hoping that there will be a multitude of new proucts hit the web sites by Christmas that have the same quality in them that Orbx puts into theirs. I am not sure the price will drop that much for what I have ordered. There is a discussion over at Avsim about that now. As I said somewhere all ready if I don't get it now I might as well wait until next year because I do 95% of my flying here in the winter months. If I waited until end of Jan as some had suggested it would soon be time to start fishing for me. Anyway the order is on its' way. I just came back from the surgery center having a carpal tunnel release done and it will sit in my floor for a few days....maybe a week before I can start on it. Will report back on how it does. Everything will be top rate except the i7 chip....I am getting the 920...the baby of the bunch. I streched my budget as far as I could go. But in a year or two if I so decide all I will have to do is get the 965 or another version and pop in my m/b and go on with FSX or whatever is out.


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Hey Randy,

I dont think any offense was intended, We all Whine etc regardless of Country, I guess it was a figure of speech.

I think the sucess of the forum is the Aussie attitude(Hope i'm not speaking out of term here), They are so laid back and that seem's to reflect in the mood of this forum.

Hey keep us informned on the findings and I think you have it sussed by starting with the baby processor and then when you need a boost you can upgrade to the bigger, just make sure your board is compatible with the Whole i7 range.

As per the original post I hope we see ORBX Transform the Flight sim globe, keep buying there products and I think we will see a progression across the globe

Enjoy the new Machine


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