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Raptors at YMAV


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A pair of Raptors arrived at Avalon (YMAV) for the 2013 Aunstralian Internatinal Airshow this afternoon.

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There are two F-22 Raptors at Avalon. One will be on static display and the other in the flying display.

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Sorry Simon I wasnt there but am in close contact with the guys on the tarmac who were.

I was there back in 2011 when they came in (they didnt fly that year) and it was pretty impressive. They are big aircraft and its very cool when they open their ordinance pods! I might have some pics that I can throw up if you like.

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It was disappointing last airshow that the F-22 did not fly.

The following link lists aircraft attending the airshow .


Absent are Tornado , Typhoon , Rafael , Grippen and the MIGs and SUs. OR the F-35.

Without those aircraft attending Avalon Airshow is backsliding , and can no longer be classified as a

world class airshow.

It's such a shame , years ago it did have prominent aircraft attending.



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Absent are Tornado , Typhoon , Rafael , Grippen and the MIGs and SUs. OR the F-35.

Without those aircraft attending Avalon Airshow is backsliding , and can no longer be classified as a

world class airshow.

It's such a shame , years ago it did have prominent aircraft attending.

Yes - in todays economic climate it becomes more costly to send these type of aircraft to an overseas show.

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It will be interesting to see the crowd attendance at this airshow, some will not think that that the ticket price is worthwhile

for a US only aircraft display , yes , we all want to see the US aircraft , but we also want to see other international


I do not think that global economics would affect military aircraft manufacturers attendance as there are $ billions at

stake , and more so with the precarious state of Lockheed Martins F-35 , it's way over budget , currently being

redesigned , still under development with no projected delivery date known , it is still possible that the US may

kill it as the cost is at a level that contravenes one of their laws.

Additionally the current state of the US economy guarantees that the US will drastically reduce numbers leading

to a unsustainable rise in unit costs.

Australia might in the near future end up cancelling the F-35 and then be looking to evaluate another aircraft

to fulfill it's needs , they are getting to a desperate situation as the F-35 was scheduled to be delivered in 2008 to

replace both the F-111 and the F-18.

Australia will have to evaluate European as well as US aircraft this time as after 3 separate order placements

that were not transparent and bypassed competative evaluation (F-35 , C-17 and F-18 Superhornets)

people will reasonably be very suspicious of government processes and underlying reason or cause of a

total lack of transparency .

While no one at this stage is suggesting corruption , defence procurement has had a rather sorry history so

it would be reasonable that in future major projects will be done legally and by the book.

The forgoing indicates that there are sound economic reasons to display a variety of aircraft at the airshow.



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