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Launy to Melbourne by Citation...Mustang, That Is


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Well, I've had the Mustang down around Tassie a few times, but this time, the boss said I could bring along my camera.

Here we are outside the Flying Club at Launy, waiting for the pax to finish up in the ladies' room.  (The Mustang has a loo, but with only a curtain around it, there's not much privacy.)

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Lined up on the runway, we check that flaps are set, lights on, push the throttles into the TO detent and release the brakes.  The Mustang has FADEC, so the power is easy to manage.  I glance down at the cabin pressure and see that it's started the prepressurization cycle.  Cabin pressure will stay about 200 feet below departure elevation until about FL190.

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At Vr, I pull the yoke back and the Mustang leaps into the air.

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Passing 1,000 feet above field level, I activate the autopilot and yaw damper, set the climb speed to 170 KIAS, and pull the throttles back a notch to the CLB detent.

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Before long, we're climbing through the clouds.  The Mustang climbs like a scared cat.  We'll pass FL170 just 7 minutes after starting the takeoff roll.

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At FL360, we pick up a little icing...but a quick blip of the wing anti-ice takes care of it.

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We make a quick descent into Melbourne, and fly the RNAV RWY 34 approach. 

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On short final, the Mustang is as docile as a 172.

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Landing technique is pretty straight-forward:  As soon as the mains touch down, apply full brakes.  We won't need much runway.

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Speed brakes need to be in by fifty feet above the touchdown point, but you can deploy them again to help slow you down after you're on the ground.

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Now that we're here, where's our ride?

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'Cause he helped out a little in the development  ;D

A very little, as one of the beta testers.  The boss told us yesterday we could start sharing pics and talking about the bird.  Since I've spent so much time flying it Down Under, I thought you might want to see.  ;D

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Thanks Kurt, I have the Mustangs big brother Citation, I think its be Aerosoft .92M cruise, it has detents for TO & CLB but no AT, blink and your in overspeed.

Is Terry Gaff part of the development team?

This plane looks very nice, I love that panel I think I might just get this one.


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Butch, I'm sure you'll love this one. 

The Mustang has no AT, either, but the FADEC works beautifully.  At the top of the climb, just move the throttles to the CRU detent.  No more overspeeds!

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