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Hi mikee,

I'm not sure if the patch is already implemented, in case of it won't harm to run the patch, but do not forget to run the latest library files after install!

Thank you Wolter, i will go ahead and install it, no harm as you said ::)
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Hi Mikee,

I have installed SP4 (DVD) in December, and ran the .002 patch after that. Worked fine.

And then... you need to add Anthony Lynch´s airports (http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/category/13-anthony-lynch-scenery/), followed by the OZx series (http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1825-ozx-au-complete-ozx-na-complete-ozx-libraries/). Fits all brilliant together and gives you enhanced flying fun.


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Hi Mikee,

I have installed SP4 (DVD) in December, and ran the .002 patch after that. Worked fine.

And then... you need to add Anthony Lynch´s airports (http://aussiex.org/f...-lynch-scenery/), followed by the OZx series (http://aussiex.org/f...-ozx-libraries/). Fits all brilliant together and gives you enhanced flying fun.


Thank you very much for your help Gerold!
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G'day , just got this great dvd, the latest one, just wondering if you guys are going

to update sydney, ie add Darling harbor .. unless its there and i have missed it..

loving it so far, so much more detail to the great land down under!!


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