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Brisbane texture and FPS issue (no reply in support)


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Hi all. my spec: I7 3.4ghz, 8 ram, win 64 and a GTX 590 Monitor are 1 x 30in running in 2560 X 1600 and a smaller one for instruments. (is my machine a low end one in 2013??) I have removed the second monitor with no effect, I have lower my resolution in FSX with not great improvement.

FPS at Brisbane are sometime in the single digit, that is for me unacceptable. I have played with AERO and I get that (see picture bellow)? Played with the airport setting (removing stuff) but the gain was like 1-2 FPS. I never use stock airplane (boring), the one in the picture is Quality Wing BA 146. My gain with stock FSX airplane is about 5-7 FPS. No CTD ever. Nice FPS in NZ south and north.

I have follow all the recommendation in the PDF file but what they don't say is what slider to move left when things look like the bellow images:

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Thanks for any suggestions.. I was so p***** about the FPS issue that I shut down the computer.

I can cope with the black/ white spot going away after a few second but not the 8-10 FPS.

I'm not using any other addon like GEX, only airplane.

Regards, Ben

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Hi Ben, there are two issues going on here that i can see.

Firstly, the texture attenuation with distance from view (first screen shot) is due to your graphics card options for antialiasing, open your graphics card control panel and set your antialiasing option to maximum. Also make sure antialiasing is selected in the FSX graphics menu. This will give you much crisper ground textures.

Secondly, the white and black flashing squares are a symptom of your PC running out of memory on your graphics card, unfortunately when running complex third party aircraft AND complex third party scenery together at the same time the PC will start to struggle. You can make things easier for your computer by going into the FSX graphics options and turning the water effects slider to low, and the level of detail radius slider to small or medium.

YBBN is a huge scenery package, containing a massive amount of custom textures and a vast amount of custom modelling and PR coverage, so it will have a bigger performance hit on your PC than other airports, plus it is in an area with a very high concentration of urban autogen.


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Thanks Ross, appreciated. In my card control panel I have 5 different setting for antialiasing:

FXAA : was set to OFF, now ON ???

Gamma correction: is ON

mode: Controlled by application

adjustment: Controlled by application

transparency: I have 4 choice here: Multiple, 2X. 4X, 8X ??????

MANY thanks, Ben

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In addition to Russ's comments use Anisotropic filtering, rather than trilinear filtering.

The texture lag is interesting in that a GTX590 and your CPU spec should be up to spec. Check that you don't have indexing or antivirus running in the background and that the hdd loading is up to speed.

There are volumes written on forums about Nvidia / Inspector Gfx settings for FSX. Unfortunately I cannot claim to be an expert there.

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Hi Russ, I'm having a problem similar to the one above but in addition to the blurry taxi ways, I have the FSX default taxiway along side/on top of the FTX taxiway...only happening at YSCB??? Have all my settings as advised.



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In addition to Russ's comments use Anisotropic filtering, rather than trilinear filtering.

The texture lag is interesting in that a GTX590 and your CPU spec should be up to spec. Check that you don't have indexing or antivirus running in the background and that the hdd loading is up to speed.

There are volumes written on forums about Nvidia / Inspector Gfx settings for FSX. Unfortunately I cannot claim to be an expert there.

Thanks, I'm using Anisotropic filtering.

the only way I can get it better is to move the complexity slider to the left. the GREAT 146 QW doesn't help in FPS.I don't have that problem in Melbourne even if FPS are low over there also. Even with stock airplane FPS are low and the problem (less) is still there. It must be my rig.

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Hi Ben,

I don't have YBBN but I did have the exact same rig as you and had similar FPS issues with some other large non-ORBX Payware airports that have lots of custom autogen and such. It's a very common problem with FSX and lovely scenery.

I notice that your rig is running at stock speed? I am not suggesting you O/C it but I did notice a big difference in FPS when taking my 2600K from 3.8 to 4.7 (as you would) Remember that FSX is very hard on the CPU, not the GPU (bar a few dedicated sceneries that are starting to use the GPU more - I can't speak for YBBN) and as Russ points out, YBBN is particularly taxing. Big airports will eat your CPU for breakfast..Devs are getting better at it by cheating FSX and stuff..Russ for one - hats off for CZST..

What FPS do you get at a different ORBX airport? Do you have any others?

Have you applied the HIGHMEMFIX=1 to the [GRAPHICS] section of your fsx.cfg? This isn't a tweak imo, it's a bit of code that FSX needs to use modern hardware..As Ian says, there is a wealth of info on getting the best out of FSX..don't believe everything you read though! It will drive you nuts!

Anyway, sorry to butt in on your thread..I feel your frustrations! Be patient, they can be fixed; your rig is way good enough imo..I got my 2600K running sweetly with pretty much sliders to the right except at large, complex airports where you sometimes just have to dial it back a bit (or spend six months driving yourself nuts tweaking your rig and fsx.cfg :D )



EDIT: Also, Ben, I notice you are running a 30"..that 2560 X 1600 res is laaarge...I run two screens; one 27" at 1920x1200 and the other 20" at 1280x1024 (it's 4:3) and I can gain about 5-10 FPS by dropping a resolution..Just as a test, try running one or two resolutions lower (I know it might look rubbish, but for scientific purposes 8) )

Aaaand..use Vsync and adaptive Vsync (1/2 refresh rate in NVInspector) and lock your FSX to 30FPS from within the sim - see if any of that helps..Just stuff that's helped me..

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one more suggestion (that I'm sure ORBX will approve of) Ben, then I'll go away :)

When you've learned a little about fsx and its cfg file..go and buy ORBX's FSX Go.

It rocks.

It allows you to test various setups and configurations within the fsx.cfg file without destructively editing it. You can save and recall them and create your own setup or area specific profiles. You can add and remove specific parts of the fsx.cfg file and only work on them...It really is a great little bit of software (and very cheap!) And you always go back to your original, unedited one if you start FSX without it.



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Jake, thanks a million! I have read about OC the 2600k sandy bridge and it look confusing... any good web page of how to do so?

My cooling system is not stock so that should be fine. Note: I just took the Carenado 337 at Brisbane and FPS where in the 20-30' i'll do some more test later. It look like there is a mix of problem when using Brisbane and QW 146 (picture) . I did try lower res but it didn't do much. Yes, 30 is a big screen (and expensive at the time).

FSX Go will be bought in 10min. ha ha ha.

Could you help me find Vsync and adaptive Vsync? Sorry.

Many thanks for now!!!!!!!!

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I'd say have a little read here => http://www.clunk.org.uk/forums/overclocking/39184-p67-sandy-bridge-overclocking-guide-beginners.html#post110904

and in case of you could always Google for "How to Overclock a 2600K" , you'd be surprised at the thing that will turn up ;)

as for Vidcard settings see the screenie

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hope it helps a little in your quest :)

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