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Default Traffic BGL Loaded by Accident and Hiding

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I gave details on the general disscussion thread but decided it was likely better here:

I bought the TrafficX from Just Flight and decided to supplement what they provided, so I converted a few Canadian Airlines from World of IA into FSX and loaded...everything fine. Then I downloaded and installed Real Traffic from ORBX for my Australian travels but default traffic loaded along with. I thought I had deleted the default traffic bgl nearly a year ago. I did not think I had checked that box, although I do see a grey check. Does anyone have ANY idea whatsoever how it made its way back into the program. I can not find it anywhere in the scenery/world/scenery file and did a search and no such file can be found by that name. So I uninstalled the FTX and the defaults were still there, then uninstalled Traffic X, but they remain like a bad toothache. I am installing both again, but really hoping that someone might be able to solve the mysterious whereabouts of the hidden TrafficAircraft BGL. It must be that the FTX AI programs brings the bgl with to use as a back up. The question is, what did it do with it? I hope you guys can think of something! PLEASE HELP.

Spirit Flyer 

Where would the FTX Ai installer put the default traffic bgl if the box was accidently clicked? Especially if the file was not present to begin with? I really appreciate you helping me get out of the messes I get in from time to time. BTW, I am unimpressed with TrafficX up to this point. Everything from ORBX is much better than most other payware anything.

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It should be in scenery.world and renamed.


Hi Awright,

There seems to nothing in the Scenery/World/Scenery file that looks like it qualifies. I have a hunch that the Australia Ai program renamed it and installed it somewhere else because I clicked that box unintentionally. John, am I on the right track in this?

Spirit Flyer

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I would suggest doing a search with windows explorer to find the file. Make sure you ask it to search hidden files.


Hi Alex,

I finished the detailed search system wide for all files with "traffic" in the name and found where I had once upon a time moved the default traffic file to my documents and had renamed the extension. Other than that the file does not exist in its original name within my system. The only possibilities, that I can think of, is that it is working under a different name within the Orbx traffic files or, is contained within Traffic X. Those are the only files that have the traffic name system wide.  ::) Such is the nature of this hobby, if it isn't one thing, it's another.  ;D

Spirit flyer

PS: I would suggest that perhaps TrafficX is not as good as many had hoped it would be, but perhaps they will improve it by adding features in the future, at least I hope so.

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I would suggest doing a search with windows explorer to find the file. Make sure you ask it to search hidden files.


Hi Alex,

I finished the detailed search system wide for all files with "traffic" in the name and found where I had once upon a time moved the default traffic file to my documents and had renamed the extension. Other than that the file does not exist in its original name within my system. The only possibilities, that I can think of, is that it is working under a different name within the Orbx traffic files or, is contained within Traffic X. Those are the only files that have the traffic name system wide.   ::) Such is the nature of this hobby, if it isn't one thing, it's another.  ;D

Spirit flyer

PS: I would suggest that perhaps TrafficX is not as good as many had hoped it would be, but perhaps they will improve it by adding features in the future, at least I hope so.

To "The One" or whoever else might know.

When the Orbx AI program is installed does it bring into the program a copy of the default traffic BGL (in order to restore it when selected)? If so where would it be loaded if the box selecting it was accidently checked but the file had been previously purged from the system? The reason is that my default traffic is back, even though the default had been deleted eons ago. A detailed search determines that the bgl file does not exist on the computer with it's original name. The only two possibilities are that it is hiding as an Australian traffic BGL with the AI program or is a part of Traffic X. I would really appreciate a definitive answer concerning the Australian possibility, and for that I will thank you in advance.

Spirit Flyer ;D

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No idea mate. The ftx ai has separate files for airlines so anything irregular should show up so I would suspect Taffic x has combined it somehow. Was thinking of getting it but think I'll hold off given the problems I read about.


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Hi Spirit Flyer,

it's easy enough to test for the presence of default AI with the FTX Australian AI as the flightplans are in a separate scenery library menu entry. Simply deactivate FTXAI_TRAFFIC in your scenery library, restart FSX, and check whether the default AI keeps showing up. If it does then the culprit is somewhere else.

BTW, what default AI are you talking about, GE or airliners?

Cheers, Holger

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No idea mate. The ftx ai has separate files for airlines so anything irregular should show up so I would suspect Taffic x has combined it somehow. Was thinking of getting it but think I'll hold off given the problems I read about.


Hi Alex,

I would suggest that holding off might be a good idea unless you REALLY want to have a newer program and are turned on by their great AI Jet engine sound revisions. I was disappointed to see that the Air Canada fleet was a curious mix of new and old aircraft that did not represent anywheres near reality. When I saw a very old colour (red and white) passenger 747-100 or 200 at a Vancouver gate, I decided to delete the airline and add back the converted World of Ai ACA package instead. I did the same for American Airlines which had some really awful looking airliners named "Merican" (I suppose for trademark reasons) that drove me nuts. While I was at it I deleted Jetsgo and Zoom, replaced Westjet, Canjet, Fedex and UPS as well as added back all the appropriate (converted) WOAI Ga and Military packages, as well as added the ORBX Aussie files. Lots of tinkering going on.  :o My advice: Use ORBX's Australian AI and run the WOAI packages you like through a fs9/fsx converter, and have fun. Perhaps JustFlight will add more features in the future that might make it more attractive, if not, save your money for something really new and improved.  Thanks for your interest and help.

Spirit Flyer  ;D

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Hi Spirit Flyer,

it's easy enough to test for the presence of default AI with the FTX Australian AI as the flightplans are in a separate scenery library menu entry. Simply deactivate FTXAI_TRAFFIC in your scenery library, restart FSX, and check whether the default AI keeps showing up. If it does then the culprit is somewhere else.

BTW, what default AI are you talking about, GE or airliners?

Cheers, Holger

Hi Holger,

Have you recovered from all the turbulance caused by all the political hot air discharged over BC during the election? Perhaps we will have calm skys for awhile (why do I doubt that?).

Now, to more important things...    :)  I have a whole line up of Heavy metal from Landmark, World Travel, Orbit, and Global Freightways. Strangely, they only seem to show up along with the others at the US airports I tried (FSO, JFK and LAX). I have not seen them in Canada (YVR, YYZ), Australia (SYD), or the UK (EGLL), which are all the Countries I took a look at so far. I never noticed any default GA, but then again, I was not looking for them at that point. I will try the Scenery library change as you suggest and report back.  Thanks for the good idea!

Spirit Flyer  ;D

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I promised I would report back after I followed through on the suggested remedial measures to try to get rid of the mysterious and unwelcome default FSX traffic airliners.

To sum up to date:

A couple of days ago I installed JUSTFLIGHT'S new TRAFFIC X along with the ORBX and WOAI freeware packages, the latter having been converted from fs9 to FSX format. It looked great, but for some reason, in the USA, and only in the USA, DEFAULT FSX airliners sat alongside the real world ones. IN Canada, the UK, and Australia, they were not to be found, but all the proper airliners were in abundance. This is strange when you consider that all the DEFAULT FSX heavies had to fly somewhere outside the USA, but never seemed to arrive. So, It was suggested that I experiment with removing the different programs one at a time (and taking out their BGL's) in order to see what was running the DEFAULT TRAFFIC program.

It was all to no avail. When I uninstalled the ORBX AI they were still there. When I uninstalled TrafficX they were still there. If I uninstall everything else including WOAI packages that had been converted for FSX, the DEFAULT TRAFFIC was still there, while at the same time, the detailed system-wide searches (with showing hidden files) insist that there is not a single Traffic bgl outside the relevant program databases, and none sitting in a scenery file, anywhere.  >:(GRRRRRR No matter what I do, I am eternally bound to Orbx, WORLD TRAVEL, PACIFICA and GLOBAL, or so it seems.

Here is a complication: What I did not remember until later, is that I had ULTIMATE TRAFFIC (X) installed the whole time!

Ultimate Travel was installed before any other traffic programs, but it had been entirely suppressed by my use of (all of) the FS9 type of WOAI Traffic BGL's. (I chose the WOAI packages at the time because they are of better quality than the ULTIMATE TRAFFIC variant, IMHO). Of course the WOAI also suppressed the DEFAULT FSX traffic at the same time. When I installed Traffic X I uninstalled Ultimate Traffic, converted and reinstalled certain WOAI packages and added ORBX AI, the DEFAULT FSX traffic was able to show up, along with all the other new traffic.

When I had originally uninstalled ULTIMATE TRAFFIC it returned the program to normal and must have somehow replaced the DEFAULT TRAFFIC without installing a traffic bgl (which I thought was impossible). Impossible or not, this possibility has some merit as I tried installing ULTIMATE TRAFFIC again to see what would happen. For some reason, this time, it suppressed all the other Traffic and would not let them show, even after I ran the other programs afterward. However while ULTIMATE TRAFFIC was running the DEFAULT TRAFFIC was missing. When I uninstalled ULTIMATE TRAFFIC again, the DEFAULT TRAFFIC was back.  I repeated all the above tests and tried every combination I could think of...SAME RESULTS.

Computer programing and FSX is not VOODOO and DEFAULT FSX TRAFFIC is not a poltergeist.  But it does seem like I am as haunted as Icabod Crane, with a headless horseman hard on my heels. There has to be, and there is, a logical reason for this intransegence, but I will be darned if I can discover it. I suppose I have put in a good 40 hours trying different things but I remain as stumped as the Brazilian rain forest left behind by gold miners. So here is my next question:  Does anyone know how to stop the FSX DEFAULT TRAFFIC from showing without having to do so through BGL's. How about removing the DEFAULT FSX TRAFFIC aircraft itself? What would that do? Would it shot the toes off my other foot?

I hope you can (and are willing to) follow all this. It would be heartbreaking to think that no one else was interested or even cared, especially since I am fairly certain this computer does neither, and only pretends to love me!  ;D (Think Ferris Bueller's Day Off) Anyone...Anyone...?

Spirit Flyer 

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Hi there,

When I had originally uninstalled ULTIMATE TRAFFIC it returned the program to normal and must have somehow replaced the DEFAULT TRAFFIC without installing a traffic bgl (which I thought was impossible). Impossible or not, this possibility has some merit as I tried installing ULTIMATE TRAFFIC again to see what would happen. For some reason, this time, it suppressed all the other Traffic and would not let them show, even after I ran the other programs afterward. However while ULTIMATE TRAFFIC was running the DEFAULT TRAFFIC was missing. When I uninstalled ULTIMATE TRAFFIC again, the DEFAULT TRAFFIC was back.  I repeated all the above tests and tried every combination I could think of...SAME RESULTS.

That suggests that the UT traffic files are in FS9 format, which would suppress any FSX format AI, default or add-on but I suppose you knew that already.

Could be that the traffic file doesn't include "traffic" as part of its name. Assuming that it's part of a scenery add-on I'd temporarily deactivate all addons in the scenery library menu and check for default AI. If it's still there the file has to be in one of the default folders. If it's gone do a binary search by re-activating half of your entries, checking again, retaining the half that includes the rogue file and deactivating half of those entries, etc., until you'vbe isolated the folder with the traffic bgl.

Cheers, Holger

Cheers, Holger

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maybe a longshot, but who knows ;D

In the past I have expirienced that some people made some extra traffic files and parked them as a BGL in the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder with no traffic name ::)

Try and disable the Addon Scenery folder and see if you have a result with that, if so at least you'd know where to look for the baddy.

Also I add a screenie of my Scenery/World/scenery folder, wich is practically empty as the only traffic addon I have installed is the FTX_AI traffic, exception is the traffic_eg58.bgl wich is the traffic for the RealAir Spitfire at RAF West Malling, this so you have an indication as what the basic files in there are.

hope it helps.

click on screenie for larger image

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Thank you Alex, Holger and Wolter,

You were right Holger, Ultimate Taffic is indeed based upon fs9. I find that a real surprise as I bought it as an FSX only program. I ran it through the converter and it actually changed the whole thing to the new format. Wolter, thank you for the shot of your scenery file. It has help me audit what I have and don't have. I am going to begin the elimination process to find the hidden default bgl in the Add on Scenery file. I will let you know when I track it down and where it is hiding in case others have the same unknown problem of a contaminated add-on.  Meanwhile I will try to ignore the Global Freightways 747 sitting in the gate beside me.

Once again, Thank you for your suggestions and analysis. I appreciate it.

Spirit Flyer

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