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Can't force myself away from Tasmania

John York

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Don't worry.  I'm not going to deluge you with pictures but sorry about these,  I just can't get enough of this scenery.  You should have seen the ones I chucked away! :-\ ::)

This time the flight is from Lake Pedder to Hobart Intnl.

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I see there's a rogue road again in this pic.  Shame really because it truly is a nice scene from the aircraft.

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I'm not used to the water being so very blue.  It may be like it in these regions but I can't seem to find a control in FTX to

calm it down a bit.  I think its taking over from my FSWC and FEX settings.  If anyone has any ideas they'd be welcome.

Hope you like them.


Thank you ImageShack

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I like the way you play with hue and saturation on your screenshots. Great colors. Great screens.

As for water I always use Orbx Brown in FEX. It's the best water theme, you get dark green water in the south and blue with corals on the tropical area.

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Hi ftxthe best

My, you did pick yourself a mouthful! ::);)

Would you believe I had Orbx Brown set in these shots but with Medium Caribean animation?!  I even had my own incarnation of Rough Ocean set in FSWC.

As I said, I think FTX is taking over the water a bit, the same as UTX in colder climes' did until I switched its Waterclass off.  That fixed it.  But I don't think that can be done with FTX?

Thanks for the comments.


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Well, those are beautiful shots anyway ;)  8)

I can understand why you like Tasmania so much.

As for the the water, I'm using FEX and FSWC too and I played around with them a little bit.

It seems the sky colour and the water reflectivity settings influence the water colour by a huge degree.

Here's a shot of what I got with FEX "Thunder water", my homemade sky theme "Alksy1", FSWC and an almost overcast sky:

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I'd try a different sky colour first.

Hope this helps :)

Edit: On a second thought, I think I like your water better, though  :D

Don't know whats more realistic.

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Thanks Alex.

I think the choice between your blue and mine is simply that.  Yours lends itself to that nice atmospheric shot you've showb us.  Mine would have been far too dominant.

And thanks John for clearing up the question of the water.  I suspect yours is very much like UTX.  It can be influenced a little perhaps but not a lot! ;D


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