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Don't know the brand name, Andrew. My old friend is supplying them. they are a modified unit, specifically for Flight Simulator.


I'll be starting the frame for the yokes today, in between physio and gym and all of the annoyances that get thrown in your daily life......Grrr


Just give me a week clear and I'd get something done....





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Visited my old favourite, Masters this morning and picked up a few pieces of timber to build the frame.

Made it out of 90 x 45 pine.


Here's the finished frame that will bolt into the floor:




And here is the cross tube bolted in:











And here we go, with the newly painted yokes fitted to it: 






Tomorrow, I'll be measuring up the frame to install the shock absorbers and spring system.


More to come.....






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I've been following this post with much fascination from the start, makes very interesting reading, and viewing......Could almost be made into a book.

Frank, looks like you have two old fans not doing anything against the wall there. We have had a heat wave for the last couple of weeks here in Pomyland

and the whole country has run out of them.

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I've been following this post with much fascination from the start, makes very interesting reading, and viewing......Could almost be made into a book.

Yeah I thought the same thing lol but Frank does make it interesting and easy to follow what he is doing. Got yo say those yokes look great the real heart of the sim hehe


go Frank Go........  :)

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I have to say that whenever Frank posts some photos of his work to date I am hooked. Who else but Frank could build a cockpit with a yoke for an aspiring co-pilot? And what a co-pilot's seat is planned. I am waiting with baited breath to see what has been planned for the rest of us.

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To answer your question, my friend, the yokes are now all finished off.


I put the trip counter and the chart holder back on the FO's yoke and they both have their respective new check-lists glued on.


I must admit, both yokes look shiny and new.


I also mounted the cdu bay and positioned out my throttle properly, today. About the only thing left is the positioning of the pedestal, but I haven't constructed that yet, so it will have to wait.

I am, however, picking up my dual rudder pedals next week, so I'll position and install them as well, within the flight deck. 


I'm waiting to hear back about my potentiometer gears, so I'll have to sit tight for that.


In the mean time, I have lots of work I can do on the cabin fittings and liners. That will be my priority now.


I'll have more pics to come in a few days,






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The gears that go on the bottom of the yokes and attach to the potentiometers, Colin.


I have a full day available in the sim today. I'm planning to do a bit of work on the eyebrow panels and their attached roof panels. There are loads of little jobs left, so it's take your pick.

I'll get a few snaps today as well.


So, off to the salt mines.......





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Hi Frank

May I ask your opinion please? Here goes...

Since we last spoke about PC's i built a 'test' six core PC; So GTX 780, 1050w PSU, ASUS MOBO, Corsair Ram 12gig, i7 980x @ 4.7 on vcore 1.456 etc.

I know you recommended the newest 6 core but I had a spare i7 980x in my 'spares dept'!!! I compared the specs and there was very little difference between the 2 procs; however my old one is tri channel memory architecture and an old socket type, the newer is dual channel memory type. The stock speed is 0.17 ghz difference and the cache is 12mb versus 15mb. Do you think this rig will be comparable to the latest 6 core proc, mobo and memory?

I have installed and leaned windows 7 right back to 38 running services, tested the Overclock (which is nice and stable) with intel burn test and FSX, and setup FSX as per Kosta - tweaks are high mem fix, affinity mask 62 (to free up core 0), disable preload and BP = 0

Using a res of 5760 x 1080 and using the 3 window method for visuals I do get smooth Perf with Stock FSX, UT2, and REX 2048 textures. If I add the *stunning* FTX Global it starts to hurt Perf - so in all there is not much difference between this rig and an i7 2600k rig.

If I have missed the point please go easy on me mate :)

BTW Looking forward to your next pics


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Hi Andrew. I can't be sure, mate, but I also had a 980X in one of my FSX machines, but never had the graphics or res that I'm running now.


I'm also running a Max IOPS OCZ drive in this PC, so the load times are a little better than other SSD's. MY OC is only 4.5Ghz and frames are as smooth as silk on my two 32" monitors at 3840 x 1080.

The one thing I know, is that the bigger the screen or projector output, the more you notice the FPS drop.


I'm only running a GTX680 in this rig as well, whereas you are running the 780, so frames should be pretty smooth.


I think you also need to remember that if you are running a high def aircraft (virtual cockpit) like the PMDG, it will suck the life out of your PC.

If you are running ProSim and the Jetstream, or the default 737, you don't use the virtual cockpit and you save heaps of frames.


Even on my test set-up here, now, I very rarely run my NGX. It's nearly always the Jetstream and ProSim, mainly setting up and testing routes I'll be using for the cockpit.


On another note, I didn't get any pics today. I had a few delays, looking for some floating nuts, or nut plates. The idea was a bit beyond the staff at both the local hardware stores.

I was hoping to mount some nut plates inside my 2 overheads and then run a bolt throo the bulkhead to hold them up. I will look at making my own now.


I had to pull the overhead mounts from the shell, to pad them out a little. I wasn't happy with the big gap that was there. It is obviously left intentionally for overheads of differing widths.

I also cut down my right hand eyebrow panel to fit the shell. The eyebrows are from a real 737 that had eyebrow windows, but mine will be blanked off, as per the normal 800 series, anyway.


So, progress continues. I will get some pics as soon as I can, and as soon as I have sufficient progress.



More to come, my friends.......






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Hi Frank

Thanks for the reply mate.

I test with the Default 738 as the Project Magenta Flight model uses this too.

I will try an OCZ Revo Drive SSD and some Autogen limiting lines (Terain_max_autogen_tress etc), see if that all helps. I do know my projectors (received last week) are only 1280 x 800 so this will help for sure. I will let you know how I get on but in the meantime if you have a breakthrough when you set yours up, it will be greatly appreciated if you could give me some pointers.

Thanks again Frank

BTW if you would prefer I didn't ask (concerned about hijacking a great thread) questions here please let me know?

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No problems, Andrew, I don't have my projectors yet, so can't say about that side of it.


I think you will find that PM is a lot harder on hardware than ProSim. I had PM and gave it up for Sim Avionics and then when ProSim came out, I went over to it. It is by far the most user friendly of my choices.


But that is horses for courses, and very subjective.


You can only go with what you have found that works for you.


Hopefully, in the process, you don't go broke......hahaha




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No problems, Andrew, I don't have my projectors yet, so can't say about that side of it.


I think you will find that PM is a lot harder on hardware than ProSim. I had PM and gave it up for Sim Avionics and then when ProSim came out, I went over to it. It is by far the most user friendly of my choices.


But that is horses for courses, and very subjective.


You can only go with what you have found that works for you.


Hopefully, in the process, you don't go broke......hahaha




Frank I tell ya, dont this stuff cost so much money?

Im pretty sure I won't go broke, my wife scrutinises all my spending (and I'm glad she does as it keeps me grounded), luckily she is a very understanding person :)

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I use PM too and have compared Prosim for easy setup. I find that I can still use most of Prosim overhead and other options with PM Glass Cockpit Display.


The reason I like PM is I can have TCAS display the callsigns of the other aircraft flying around me and this is very neat feature on the ND. But I like the WXR Display on prosim just a bit better.


As Frank says it's horses for courses but Prosim has excellent features and covers the entire cockpit and is very reasonable in price.


If your on a budget however and don't need the overhead try Aerosoft Australia for only 65 bucks you can get a boeing display setup :)

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I only had a small time in the man cave today and didn't get much done. I managed to mount the forward and aft overheads in the ceiling frames, which I have pulled out of the shell.


Now the mounting holes are done, I've painted the ceiling frames again and will put them back in the shell tomorrow.


When I get the overheads in the shell, I'll take a few pics......





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Well, my son came over last nite with a broken hard drive.


I ran it on my FSX computer. The drive showed up and we were able to retrieve the info on the drive. This morning I came in to use the computer and it's locked up.

Had to do a hard reset and then......nothing, nada, zip


Whatever he had on the drive has wiped out my MBR and the drive now won't boot.

Lucky for me, my drives are separated. Drive one, my OCZ SSD has Win 7 and FSX on it. My second drive has all my programs and user files, so all of that stuff is protected.


That still means a lot of work, tho. I need to re-install Windows, FSX, all my subsidiary proggy's and all the tweaks.........GRRRR!


Note to self: When boy comes over with hard drive in future...do not let him put it near my computer.


Anyway, I have a job on my hands starting tonight.


I had a semi-productive day in the cave today. I got my ceiling supports back in the shell.

I tried fitting the rear overhead and got it done, but I'm very concerned about the fit. It's far too tight.


I also tried fitting the forward overhead, but it was a real tough job, on my own. I really need another set of arms. I gave up in the end, as the clearance just looks too close.


I'm gonna bite the bullet, take the added fillet panels off and make them again. I'll make them a few millimetres smaller, so they'll fit a little better and allow a little clearance.


I'm picking up my dual rudder pedals in a few days, so they can go straight in the shell and I can lock them down.



More to come.....




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wow sorry Frank about the HD must have had a virus on it. There are some nasty ones out there these days. but I am also going through the re install on my new machine still have along way to go to get everything installed. so good luck mate time and patience :)

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Well, I'm back up and operational again on my FTX PC.


I was able to remove all the valuable info (as well as my FSX install, which is over 100Gb) and save, so I'm now going throo, putting it all back.


Backing up might be a viable option, way back when we had hard drives of 20 or 30 GB, but when your trying to bak up 200Gb of data, it's a tad unrealistic.

To save to a back up drive, in my opinion, is as dangerous as the original drive, they are both prone to the same problems.

The only safe medium to back up to is a tape drive or Blu-Ray back up, which I do with my productivity machine. Even then, the data is only 100Gb, my FSX install is over 100Gb alone.


I admit, it does take some precautions, but then again, i think a complete re-install is not a bad thing, once in a while. It gets rid of the orphans and cleans up your Windows. I know I am constantly cleaning out old aircraft and programs I don't use anymore, just to keep the SSD from filling up with too much crap.


So, I am nearly done with drivers and my windows is up to date. I can now get on with re-installing FSX/FTX. That will keep me going for a few days.






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Yes Frank I do a complete uninstall and format around once a year to clear things out, Then a fresh install of W7 and all my Orbx goodies nothing like a fresh start when you are installing Betas and uninstalling them throughout the year.



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Frank good on you.  If the MOF approves, then please -- I mean this in the best possible way -- be sure to get a DNA sample, friend, because WE NEED TO CLONE HER.


Also had a question, looking at your photos -- where is the drink holder?

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Well, I picked them up today. All I can say is....Wow!


These things are bullet proof. Gordon has made these to Gwyn Perrett's spec and they are probably the best bit of gear (engineering wise) in my entire cockpit.

I've looked at the competition's product and I know they wouldn't have the same engineering in them.


Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking:
















My potentiometer gears are also finished and on their way to me, this afternoon, so I can finally finish off the frame and get it back in the cockpit floor.

It's gonna be a busy couple of weeks, my friends







PS Colin, I'll give Gordon a ring and see if he's ok with me giving you his number. that way, you can talk to him direct

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hey thanks Frank I'm not at that stage yet but certainly would like to get good ones at a good price. I just took the plunge got a TH2Go and have bought another projector and hopefully a third one soon.


I'm going to start building a curved screen over the next few days and I already have a 19'inch rack system for my PC's. I'm going to transfer all my PC's into rack ATX cases. got it all very cheap too.


However this means I still have to wait a bit longer for my MIP and Glare but I can make a good mockup in the meantime. Since I bought the new machine I thought I better attack the visuals first. But hey your pedals look great Frank they really do. :)

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They seriously are a work of art. The linkages and the hardware used in them is top notch.


I'm pretty sure they'll outlive the sim.


Trouble is now, I got a whole heap of stuff happening in the next 4 days that will take me away from the sim, so I can't play. Not the best situation to be in, when you just bought yourself some new toys.





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Geez, mate....what a ridiculous question.









You gotta have somewhere to stash the "Father O'Leary's Irish Cream".............







This i have seen before Frank, the bottle, i mean...or ..is it a new one ???


But your new Rudder Pedals is astonishing  WoW..


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You caught me out, Henrik.

This, of course, is a bottle that I have previously consumed, as the photo is some months old.....but I assure you, there is many more where this came from!

Which reminds me of this old, fabulous clip I've watched thousands of times.....you probably seen it a few thousand times, too:





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