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Engine Sound Looping


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Have been flying in Obyx world exclusively since installing the multitude of regions/airports.

Not sure if I had noticed this BEFORE or AFTER adding all the FTX regions though --- in all the aircraft I've flown in, I notice there is a constant "knocking" or "cracking" sound loop that repeats every 2 seconds or so. It is very subtle in the background of the engine sound, but audible enough to be heard, especially when in VC looking through 10 or 2 o'clock directions.

Anybody came across this before? Anything to do with my FTX installs? Thanks.

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Is the sound associated with a particular phase of a flight , is it constant irrespective of your FSX World location, ?? These are pertinent questions to establish whether or not this anomaly is scenery related which I don't believe is the case.

I suspect that you may have installed or changed some software that is tied into the sound set up. I have had this happen with the surround sound Stereo isolation and just as you describe looking left and right at a particular angle the sounds went rather strange. ripped out the Audio driver's and reinstalled them checked the sound settings in Windows and FSX problem solved.

Just an idea

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Thanks Maurice. The odd sound only shows when engine is on, particularly more obvious when at say about 80% throttle. When in shutdown there isn't any such problem. Haven't installed anything else other than a few fs aircraft add-ons and of course FTX. Will investigate further.

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