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NRM Lake Louise Funny Ice


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Had been buying up several FTX regions / airports these few days, latest of which are NRM, CRM, KJAC (combined order # FSS0182817).

Just installed NRM and patched to latest (still downloading CRM). Took a first flight from CYBA to Lake Louise with date set to early Oct (Fall season). Everything looked fabulous along the way but when I reached Lake, it showed up with an unnatural partial ice-up (see pic -- http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/DO ), while lakes and rivers nearby everywhere showed no freezing up at all. Tried Winter and it's all iced up, while Spring and Summer shows lake correct -- not iced. Is this normal?

By the way, read on forum about some texture issues for CRM. Should I proceed to install it once downloaded? Or to wait for patch?

Anyone with CRM and KJAC that installed fine?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi there,

is that with the Northern Rockies Service Pack 1 installed? We did fix some similar issues with partial ice coverage but I'm not sure it included Lake Louise. In general, the ice-over feature is elevation dependent meaning, just like in the real world, higher elevations get snow and ice sooner and keep it longer. If a waterbody sits right in between two elevation bands then this partial effect can occur, which requires a manual fix on our part.

The issue with CRM is limited to owners of both New Zealand and CRM and only affects a few golf courses in the drier parts of the CRM area.

Cheers, Holger

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Thanks Holger for your speedy response, as always. FTX is a wonder product, and you folks are the genius behind.

Yes I did patch NRM to SP1. Lake Louise, while nestled between mountains, appears rather clearly to be on same ground level elevation with the rest of the land mass outside (where other lakes and rivers still show as water bodies). Would appreciate if you could take a look to evaluate on this to see if a fix is necessary.

I had indeed bought both NZSI and NZNI just a couple of days ago. Will installing CRM also affect the golf courses within both NZ regions?

EDIT : By the way, while I was quite sure I installed patch SP1 with FTX Central first set to NA, just to be sure, had the patching been done with FTX Central set to default instead, how would I know? How could I test for that to ensure the patching had been done correctly? Also, I always install a new FTX region by first setting Central to Default, is that correct?


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