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49OR is a hanfull


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Now try it in the snow with all the landmarks white and no shadows showing. I haven't done it yet but that's next on my "fun challenge list". Its already getting cold enough and soon there will be snow in those mountains and high plains. It should be fun.

good flights, Cal

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I think we are a little spoilt in flight sim, for the most part. Because of how mosyt of the scenery is designed and displayed, it is actually very easy to spot an airfield a long way out. In the real world, trying to find some fields and even some decent sized airports without GPS or navigation aids can be very tricky, even if you happen to be flying almost right over the top of it! Good to see the blending in 49OR is replicating a similar experience :)

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Must confess that during the development and having done many many flights to and from 49OR I am only now getting the feel for the approach,then bloody Daisy or Rambo descide to throw a spanner in the works, today I descided to land long ,in the 185 still was able to land over the top of Rambo and pull up in time.

Glad to see others are getting the same experience,thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated



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Hi guys.firstly i'm really enjoying the flight to and from OG39 and 49OR.i wonder how many others have found their planes struggling from lack of power while approaching 49OR and especially taking off from 49OR.finally the penny dropped.i remembered the red knob.the mixture control.anyway a great job done on these strips..cheers Bill

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I'm using the 206 payware to get in and out of there,is this realistic? And yes i too am pulling the mixture back a bit cause at 3,000 ft i usually start pulling it back and we are sitting at 4,000 ft.

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I had to respond to Bill's great expression of the penny dropping. I was bending my brain around that and trying to fit it to some control situation in the cockpit then it ocurred to me that Bill was referring to the action taken by a mechanical bank when you insert the penny and it drops into the works. My penny was a bit stuck but it rattled home as well.

I'm glad others are having fun with 49OR and I have yet to dodge a cow but the butterflies are hazard enough for me.

Question for you much more informed flyers out there, what is the difference in OR being first as in OR39, and OR being last as in 49OR?

good flights, Cal

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