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My first ever flight experience was in the good old Chippie thanks to No.6 AEF (Air Experience Flight) out of RAF Finningley (sadly now closed)... I'd never even been on board an airliner at that point. Loops, rolls, inverted flight, stall turns... Not bad for a first ever flight!

It's that one experience that had me hooked on aviation and propelled me to where and what I do today... They got SA Bulldogs shortly after which just were not the same... The Chippie is a legend for sure.

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My first ever flight experience was in the good old Chippie thanks to No.6 AEF (Air Experience Flight) out of RAF Finningley (sadly now closed)... I'd never even been on board an airliner at that point. Loops, rolls, inverted flight, stall turns... Not bad for a first ever flight!

It's that one experience that had me hooked on aviation and propelled me to where and what I do today... They got SA Bulldogs shortly after which just were not the same... The Chippie is a legend for sure.

Me too , first flight actually in a Tri-pacer at an airshow when I was kneehigh to a grasshopper but ,maybe , the second flight was doing aero's in the Chippie - long time ago but I felt like some sort of fighter pilot !!

I helped Bernt Stolle to do an upgrade on the Rick Piper Chipmonk and whilst doing that it became obvious that the old Chippie pilots held this bird in high esteem

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Hey Rob when did you fly with 6 AES? We did annual camp at RAF Finningley in the summer of 93. I did most of my Chippy time with 5 AEF at EGSC.

Let me see... I joined the ATC in 92... I think my first flight was in that same year... recall doing an annual camp Boulmer in 93... Stayed in for many years and ended up staying as an adult instructor when I joined the mob for real in 98... Many happy memories!

Me too , first flight actually in a Tri-pacer at an airshow when I was kneehigh to a grasshopper but ,maybe , the second flight was doing aero's in the Chippie - long time ago but I felt like some sort of fighter pilot !!

I helped Bernt Stolle to do an upgrade on the Rick Piper Chipmonk and whilst doing that it became obvious that the old Chippie pilots held this bird in high esteem

Sweet! I need to reinstall that little masterpiece at some point... just a shame that FSX can't simulate smells... don't know quite what it is... a mix of oil, fuel and grease perhaps, but DeHavilands just smell like DeHavilands... and it's one of the best smells in the world... ;)

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